Chapter Twelve Part One - A Revelation

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Chapter Twelve Part One - A Revelation

Mornings were getting colder and colder and getting out of bed got harder and harder. The alarm went off at five thirty, a blaring explosion of noise straight into my ear. I pressed the 'off' button and practically crawled out of bed, wincing as the cold air hit my bare hands and feet.

Oh boy did I hate cross country training. Every time I thought about running, my soul wept from the depths of hell. I quickly ate breakfast, changed into my track and field uniform and shoved my normal uniform into my bag.

Exams had started and they were still intent on forcing us to come to training. I didn't have an exam today so after training I'd either be staying in the library or going home and studying.

I arrived at training on time for once and started stretching with the others. Unconsciously, I had been looking around for certain people. At what point did I begin to search for these people?

"On time today, are we?" Hunter asked, walking over.
"Yes, with much difficulty getting out of bed," I puffed, doing starjumps.
"You look like a raccoon."
"What?" He traced his finger around his eye in a circle.
"Huge bags," he explained.
"It's called lack of sleep due to study."
"Ah, I see, study. Feeling confident?"
"Ha, no."
"Are you going home after training?"
"Probably. I can't concentrate with people around so I can't stay in the library."

"Hunter! Get back here!" The coach shouted.
"Yes sir!" Hunter exclaimed. He jogged up to where the coach was and was handed a stack of cones.
"Captains, to the front please! Junior and senior captains on my left and squad captains on my right."

There were two junior and two senior captains as well as two squad captains - one male, one female. I didn't really know who the juniors were, but the two senior captains were Abbey and Luke, a cheerleader and a jock. The two squad captains were Sarah and...who was the male captain? Ace came flying down the side of the oval from the path and came to a puffing halt next to Sarah as she stood at the front.

"Late again Ace?" The coach asked.
"Won't happen again," Ace replied.
"Sure it won't."

That's right. Ace was the male captain of the squad. Of all things he was good at, it was running.

"Alright, for your warm up, run one lap of the track," the coach shouted, overpowering the quiet murmurs and whispers.
"Hah, Ace," Hunter laughed, obviously enjoying the pain his friend would be going through. Maybe I would be laughing too if I didn't have to run it. It was seven in the morning and the sun wasn't even up. In other words, it was way too early for this.

The thin sport jacket did nothing against these cold winds that sliced against my skin. "Hunter, you're running too!" The coach shouted.
"But sir!" Hunter began.
"You're running. It's good to get warm in the morning."

Now I laughed. To myself of course. Too bad he noticed.

"Hey, how is making me go through torture funny?" Hunter asked when he made it to where I was standing.
"How was making me go through torture amusing?" I asked in return.
"I don't know. It just was. Besides, your reaction was just too," he paused for emphasis. "Cute," he grinned.
Mayday. I could feel my face burning up. Why are you burning up, face!?
"Like that expression," he smirked. "Keep it up, nerd bird." He tousled my hair, messing up the fringe I had spent so many minutes pinning up carefully so the wind wouldn't whip it everywhere. Oh the pain. You douchebag Hunter!

Subconsciously, I had walked all the way to the starting point of the track which was at the bottom of a hill. The track was essentially a path that went uphill, right on flat ground, then right again downhill and right on flat ground back to the beginning. Lots of hills. Fun.
"You look like you're having fun," Ace joked.
"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I replied sarcastically.
"How about that race now that the ankle is well and truly healed?"
Right. That race. The time when I had a totally swollen ankle. Oh piggybacks. Such painful memories.
"I've told you before, I'll lose. I am not fast."
"Like I said, I'll give you a head start."
"If I lose, that's embarrassing and if I win, it'll hurt my pride," I laughed, sending puffs of white air out in front of me.
"You're one complicated nerd," he grinned.

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