Interview Time - Take Two!

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Interview Time – Take Two!

To Hunter:

Where do you find yourself in the future with Cathy?

I haven't thought about it, but I just see us together, and that's good enough for me –grins goofishly-

What would you do if Cathy didn't exist?

Logically, I wouldn't know any better, but if I knew what I do now, I wouldn't know what to do without her. Having someone around that you can annoy is fun. Having someone whose heart you can make race and who can make your heart race is even better.

To Ace:

What was your first impression of Cathy?

I don't even remember when I first properly met her, but I guess she was just really quiet and shy – a little socially awkward. She didn't talk much and it took such a long time for her to stop giving one worded, conversation killing responses.

To Cathy:

Do you still like Ace?

-awkward cough- Um...I don't like him in that way. It's a platonic kind of like.

To Jenny:

How do you feel about Hunter and Cathy?

I'm happy for them. I can't honestly say I'm 100% for it; it hurts a little, but that's my issue to deal with, not theirs. Even if he had chosen me, I know I would only have been an option, and I think it's better to be someone's one and only, rather than their second best pick.

Cathy makes him happy, and he makes her happy, and that's what's important. With time, it'll stop hurting and eventually, I'll be able to say I'm 100% happy for my friends.


Can there be a sneaky plot twist where Cathy and Hunter break up and Cathy gets with Ace?

There's a sequel so we'll see hey?

Why did you have Cathy call Ace instead of Hunter?

I think throughout the book it was clear that they were the main two guys that were sort of compatible with her in different ways. Hunter was the carefree, make-her-happy kind of guy, albeit a little less reliable than Ace.

It was mostly instinct and severe panic. At that point in time, Ace was more like a protector. Even with the rest of the guys, he sort of kept them out of trouble. Also, he knew about her fear while I'm pretty sure Hunter didn't know at that time.

It also made way for Hunter to see and realise that he felt something, basically. The fact that it wasn't him bothered him in some way.

Mostly, I like to keep a balance between the two guys so it wasn't too one sided, just to mess with everyone a little ;) 

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