Chapter 13

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"The essay is due in two weeks. I would recommend starting on it now but I know some of you won't start it till the night before." My professor says, earning a chuckle from some of the students in the back. "That's all I have for you today, class is dismissed early. Start a rough draft!" He screams over the sounds of everyone beginning to pack up and leave.

I zip up my bag and jog down the stairs of the small auditorium. As soon as I'm back in my room, I change into loose clothes and throw on some sneakers. I am going to get in shape.

"Zee? Where are you going all dressed up?" Niall teases as he comes through the front door.

"I'm going out for a jog." I say with a proud smile as I grab a cold water bottle from the fridge.

Niall winks at me. "Jog by the fountain, there's always a group of girls sitting there, gawking at all the hot guys jogging by. Guaranteed sex."

I laugh. "No thanks. I'm doing this to get in better shape."

Niall plops down on the couch, his blue eyes looking up at me. "Sex burns calories." He reminds me and I roll my eyes. Just as I'm about to respond, he cuts me off. "I'm kidding. You should wait for Liam though. He'll be home any minute and he'll never pass up an opportunity to work out."

I nod, my stomach twisting at the bliss memory of last night. The way that Liam held me made me feel special, if that makes any sense. I didn't feel any anxiousness or insecurities at that moment. I just felt...happy.

I watch the game with Niall until Liam comes through the door. "Hey y'all." He greets us with a terrible American accent.

"Hey Li!" Niall calls out, a happy smile on his cute face. "I missed you buddy."

Liam chuckles. "Those 2 hours apart have been painful. I missed you too Ni." He says, sarcastically.

"You got any plans right now?" I ask him as he grabs an apple, biting into it. Damn he can fit a lot in his mouth. I wonder how it would feel if he- Stop. I'm straight.

"Yea 'm thinking of going to a party. It's a bit of a drive so I'll be leaving soon." He says and I'm surprised by how disappointed I feel.

"Okay cool." I mumble. "Have fun."

For some reason, ever since he kissed me, the idea of another guy kissing his lips makes me feel uneasy. I don't understand why, I guess I'm just too selfish.

"Aren't you going to ask him-"

I cut Niall off. "I'll be back in about half an hour." I say, standing up and slamming the door shut behind me.

I run a hand through my hair, letting out a big breath of air that I didn't realize I was holding in. I take the stairs two at a time and before I know it, I'm outside.

I smile as the warm air hits me and I plug in some headphones. I blast loud music and begin to drown out everything around me. Live in the moment. Nothing else matters right now.

I'll just jog down by the fountain, hopefully find myself a girl like Niall promised and totally forget about Liam and the way his eyes glisten when he gets excited about something. Or the way he licks his lips when he's concentrating. Or the ecstatic way he made me feel last night from just one touch.

I shake my head, clearing the disgusting thoughts away. Just as I'm about to jog off, I feel a rough hand on my shoulder.

I spin around and I'm met with his brown eyes. I frown and step out of his grip.

"I'm a bit busy." I huff and pull out my headphone.

Liam's brown eyes search mine. "Why didn't you just ask me to come with you? I'd much rather spend an afternoon with you than a bunch of drunk assholes."

My heart flutters and I look down at my feet. "I-I don't know."

"Let me change and we can go together, yea? Unless y-you wanna go without me, which is fine." He says and I'm surprised by how nervous he seems to be.

"Yea, I can wait." I chuckle.

What the hell am I doing? I'm supposed to be pissed off at him for kissing me. Why am I letting feelings get in the way?

Ten minutes later, we're jogging side by side, down the sidewalk. It's quite enjoyable, a comfortable silence falling between us. I'm already breathing heavily, but Liam seems to be unaffected.

"We'll just go down this path and to the forest, yea? It's a quick six mile route." He says to me.

My eyes widen and I stop. "Whoa whoa whoa, you're forgetting that this is the first time I've jogged in almost a year. Let's take it slow, yea? Maybe half a mile. Not six."

Liam laughs and he turns back to look at me. "I'm joking, now you gotta catch up because I'm not stopping." He says and continues down the path.

I groan and follow after him. Why did I think this was a good idea?

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