Chapter 25

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I have no idea what time it is but I'm guessing it's past midnight. There's not many students walking around campus anymore and the small parties are starting to wind down.

I accidentally fell asleep next to the tree that I collapsed by, which was pretty stupid of me. I don't know how it happened. One second I was crying, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up and it's dark outside.

I need to find a proper place to stay and there's only one place that I can think of. Louis and Harry's place.

I feel bad about getting in their way again but I have no other choice. I knock on their door, attempting to fix my fucked up hair before anyone opens up.

Thankfully, they open quickly and it doesn't look like I woke them up. It looks like they haven't even gone to bed yet.

They're both wearing skinny jeans, showing off their amazing legs, and their hair looks perfect as always.

Harry is standing in front of Louis, his sharp features light up when he sees me.

"Hey Zaynie." He grins and pulls me into a hug. "Why are your eyes red? Were you crying?" He asks and suddenly the weird couple is inspecting every inch of me, trying to figure out what's wrong with me.

I wriggle out from their grasp and step inside their nice smelling living room. "I-I'm fine. I just need a place to stay if you don't mind." I beg, my eyes searching their worried ones.

Louis pouts. "Of course you can stay. Is it Liam again?"

I give him a thankful smile and step out of my dirty, worn out shoes. "Yea but I don't really wanna talk about it." I admit.

"I'm making some fruit tea, would you like some?" I hear Harry call from the other room. Damn. Why couldn't I live here with them instead of smelly Niall and fucked up Liam?

"Yes please." I call back, chuckling. Louis offers me a seat on the couch and I plop down, gratefully. My whole body is sore from the quick nap I had on the cold and hard ground.

"Are you and Liam like...together? You keep having fights as if you're a married couple." He jokes.

I sigh. I know that I said that I don't want to talk about it but Louis's eyes look so curious and sincere, I guess it'd be good to get some advice from him.

"Well we were never together but...I'd definitely consider us as more than friends. Not anymore though." I mumble.

Louis frowns. "'re not straight?"

Harry walks into the room, somehow carrying three mugs of hot coffee in his two, large hands. He gives me time to think about my answer.

"No. I don't think I'm straight." I laugh dryly.

Harry has a confused look on his face, but Louis just smirks. "I knew it." He chuckles. "Since the day I saw you standing in the line to get on that plane."

I roll my eyes and sit back against the chair. Sadly, I have to wait for the tea to cool down before I can drink it.

"But anyway...Liam isn't as trustworthy as I thought he was. I guess I was just too naive." I sigh.

They both give me pitiful looks, but neither of them push for more, which I am thankful for. As much as Liam hurt me, I respect him and I don't want to talk crap about him.

"So Harry, why do you and Liam not get along?" I ask, trying to get the attention off of me.

Louis just chuckles and shifts awkwardly. Harry crosses his legs and laughs nervously, looking for Louis for help.

 Harry crosses his legs and laughs nervously, looking for Louis for help

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"Well it's a long story and it might seem irrelevant...but it's not." Harry begins and I raise my eyebrow, signaling for him to continue.

"So a long time ago, about 30 years ago, my mother went to school with Liam's father. Yea, it's a small world and all that. Long story short, they dated for a while and then...Liam's dad cheated on my mum. Mum was very heartbroken and she planned on never seeing him again." He says and by the look on his face, I can tell that the two do meet again.

"Both of our parents were here, dropping us off when we were just moving in. Of course they ran into each other and immediately began arguing. Liam's father claimed that he never cheated and he tried to pin it on my mum." He says and I can see his large fists clenching, which is quite scary.

Louis gives his shoulder a squeeze and Harry immediately calms down. "Not gonna get into it but basically, we met and we've just hated each other ever since. The end."

I blink, not sure what to say. "Oh wow."

"Oh wow is right." Louis chuckles.

That's pretty ironic, considering the situation that Liam and I are in right now.

I bet the two of them are cuddled up on the couch right now, watching tv. The very thought makes my blood boil. I bet Liam totally forgot about me. I'm just that weird, quiet brown kid that he kissed once.

"Calm down mate, your face is turning all red." Louis teases. "Maybe you should head to bed?"

I agree with him and wish them both a goodnight before stumbling off to the guest bed room where I stayed last time.

"Oh and Zayn?" I hear Harry say. "If he keeps being mean to you, let me know and I'll punch his annoying face in."

I chuckle at how casually he says this. "Thanks Harry but punching him isn't going to fix anything."

He just shrugs and I stumble off again. A thought occurs to me and I peak my head back in. "Sorry I didn't drink the tea but it smells delicious." I grin.

Harry grins back. "I'll make you some tomorrow morning." He promises.

I nod and wave goodbye, somehow make it the bed without collapsing. My eyes feel hella heavy and within seconds, I'm out cold.

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