Chapter 14

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I get woken up to a loud crack of thunder. Grumbling under my breath, I put a pillow over my head and try to ignore the loud rain hitting the building.

I'm not afraid of storms, I actually think they're quite cool, but I love my sleep. If anyone or anything interrupts my sleeping time, I'll be crabby and moody until I can fall back asleep.

Ten minutes later, I realize there's no point in trying to fall back asleep. The rain is too loud on the tin roof, and I'll just have to wait for it to pass.

I run a hand through my messy hair, it's still wet from the shower I took before bed. As I take a step forward, I almost collapse to the ground from the pain. Damn, I am really sore from the two mile jog with Liam.

I smile, absentmindedly, as my mind drifts back to the light hearted conversation we had going while we jogged down the path. Liam looks so good when he's all sweaty and his hai-

My thoughts are interrupted by another crack of thunder, causing me to jump. I take a deep breath and take small steps forward, feeling my way through the darkness.

I eventually find the door handle and I step out into the hallway. I'm surprised to find Liam, curled up into a little ball on the couch.

He doesn't notice me when I walk in, his strong arms are hugging his knees tightly to his chest and he has a pair of ear phones in his ears.

I don't want to scare him, more than he already is, so I make a big circle around him. He sees me in his peripheral vision, and his head snaps up to look at me.

I give him a quick smile, and he quickly drops his legs to the floor. "What are you doing up?" He whispers, pulling his earphones out.

I shrug. "'S very loud." I mumble, sitting down next to him. "What about you?"

He bites his lip, his eyes casting down to look at me. "I...don't really like storms." He admits.

"Aw." I tease. "Is big, bad Liam afraid of a little lightning and thunder?"

Lightning flashes again, causes him to flinch and I catch a glimpse of his cheeks which are bright pink with embarrassment. "I'm not afraid. 'S just that I don't like them." He frowns, puffing his chest out a bit.

I laugh. "Fear is not a bad thing, Li."

He shifts to face me more, his legs crossed and hands in his lap. "Okay...maybe I am a little bit scared." He admits.

I grab his hand, unexpectedly. "And that is perfectly fine. That just proves how strong you are. You can admit that you have fears, just like the rest of us."

He cracks a small smile, jumping at another crack of thunder. "It feels so good to get that off my chest." He jokes.

"Glad I could be of help." I say, checking the weather on my phone. "Apparently it's supposed to clear up soon."

He sighs. "Good."

The next few minutes are spent in silence. I'm watching the storm through the window but I can feel a pair of eyes on me, the whole time.

I can practically feel his brown eyes, burning holes into the side of my head. I begin fidgeting uncomfortably, feeling self conscious.

I finally turn around. "Is there something on my face?" I ask.

He frowns, looking a bit flustered. ""

I raise my eyebrow. "So why were you staring at me?" I whisper.

He clears his throat, awkwardly. "I just...can I-I touch your hair?"

A smile spreads on my face. "My messy, long hair?"

He nods, a grin on his face. "It looks really fluffy and soft." He admits. "I can braid it for you, if you'd like."

I shrug. "Okay."

He puts two pillows onto his lap. "Lay your head on the pillows." He says.

I can't wipe the stupid grin off my face as I turn around and lay down, under him. He stares down at me and I stick my tongue out at him.

"You're so..."

"So what?" I laugh.

"Never mind." He says and I can see him studying my face again.

I choose to ignore his weird behavior as I suddenly feel his gentle fingers running through my hair. I sigh in relief, closing my eyes and listening to the storm which is getting farther and farther away.

I feel completely and totally at ease as his warm fingers caress my head. He tugs a few times at my tangled hair, but I don't even mind. It feels...good?

I find myself about ready to drift off to sleep, when suddenly, he pats my cheek.

"You're all done, Zee." He tells me.

I open my eyes and sit up. "How do I look?" I ask, reaching for my phone to get the camera.

(A/N: lmao ok this is not what he looks like rn but I thought it was so funny how he still looks hot, no matter what

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(A/N: lmao ok this is not what he looks like rn but I thought it was so funny how he still looks hot, no matter what.)

"You look beautiful, Zayn." He tells me.

My eyes meet his which are sparkling with truth. "Really?" I ask.

He bites his lip and nods. "You're always beautiful."

My cheeks burn, not used to getting compliments. "Thanks Li. Where'd you learn to do this? It looks like a professional Tumblr girl did this."

He chuckles. "My sisters used to force me to be their hair stylist when we played dress up."

I smirk. "What did you dress up as?"

He lets out a booming laugh, covering his mouth when he remembers that we're not the only people here. "Everything from fairies to witches." He says.

"Cute." I chuckle and lay my head on his shoulder. It just feels so right to be close to him.

He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close. "Zayn?" He whispers and I just grunt in response, my eyes fluttering shut. "Do you remember when we kissed?"

My eyes shoot open and I sit up. "It was just a heat of the moment thing." I insist.

He reaches for my hand. "I'm sorry jus-"

"Goodnight." I mumble and walk back to my room, dodging his hand.

"Zayn." I hear him call after me but I shut my door.

I am straight.

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