8° Test Drive

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(Edited: July 26, 2019)


(Y/N)'s POV

My parents got me a Volks Wagon last week as my birthday present. It's funny because even though I had driving lessons for a couple of weeks, I still don't know how to drive, but they still decided to buy me a brand new car.

Hoping that I won't crash my car because the one that I was using in the driving lessons I almost crash it, but thank goodness I didn't.

Today, I'm going to try to drive again. Because mom called a private instructor to teach me how to drive and we are currently waiting for him to arrive, in a park near our village.

I pray that he will be patient with me because I'm a terrible student.

“(Y/N), he's here.” Mom called and I got out of the car and see the instructor getting out of the uber

“Good Morning Mrs. (Y/L/N). I'm Niall Horan, I will be the one teaching your daughter how to be a professional driver.” Niall said shaking mom's hand “Call me Niall.”

“Hi Niall, I would like you to meet my daughter, (Y/N).” Mom said introducing me

“Hi.” I said shaking his hand

“Shall we begin?” He asked, I just noticed that he is not from here because of his accent

“Okay good luck to the both of you.” Mom said leaving me with Niall, then she called a taxi because she will be shopping

“Yeah. So uhm, this is my car.” I said showing it to Niall

“Cute car.” He chuckled

“I know, my parents got it for me last week. It was a birthday gift.” I said getting in the car then he went in the passenger seat

“Well first we should take a seat belt.” He said taking his seat belt on

I did the same thing and turned on the engine.

“(Y/N), right?” He asked and I nod “This will be easy because your car is automatic so it will be like driving a golf cart. Have you ever drive a golf cart?” He asked me

“Once, it was way way back.” I answered getting a little nervous

“Oh, don't worry about it, we are just going to figure it out.” He said trying to make me calm “Okay, now move your clutch forward.” He said and I did “Then put a little pressure on that pedal on your right.” He said pointing at the pedal, I lightly push the pedal and the car started moving forward but it was slow because I wasn't excerting a lot of effort

“That's good. Now try to more pressure on your foot.” He said and the car started moving a little bit faster

"See, easy. Now let's try to turn on that road.” He instructed


My driving lessons with Niall just ended and mom went back to the park with a lot of paper bags in her hand. We drove Niall at one of his friend's house that is also living on the same village as ours. He said he's going to stay there overnight because he will be teaching me again tomorrow morning.

“I had a lot fun and a lot of learning today.” I said before dropping Niall in front of his friend's house

“Yeah, I can see that you're getting a hang of it.” He said

“I am. Thank you.” I said

“Well I'll see you tomorrow.” He smiled at me and got out off my car

Niall Horan ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon