42° Sorry I Left

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Guys listen to "Sorry I Left" by Janina Vela ft. Donny Pangilinan it's a really nice tune. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/L8PVO8iLXzo


"(Y/N) please don't go." Niall said his voice cracking in the end. You were so tired of everything, you weren't happy. You always feel so unloved. You feel so empty. "I'll make it up to you. Just stay. Please." Now you can hear him sobbing

You didn't want to cry in front of him. You don't want to see him cry, seeing him cry makes you cry also. You just continued packing and didn't care if Niall is on the way.

"Please look at me." He said stopping you and you looked him in the eyes. His blue orbs are now filled with bloodshot eyes and it hurts you to see him like this

"What else do you want me to say Niall. It's not even worth it." You said while tears are streaming down your face

"(Y/N) to me you are worth it. Please I'll be a better boyfriend, I'll be home more often. I'll do everything." He said kneeling in front of you while hugging you through your waiste and you can't help but also cry

"Ni, I'm sorry. I need time. I need to go." You said pushing him away then you grabbbed your stuff and ran downstairs

You opened the front door and quickly shoved your stuff at the back of your car

"(Y/N) wait!" Niall shouted and ran to you "Marry me." He whispered then showing you a blue velvet box then he opened it, inside is a beautiful diamond ring

You shook your head no and cried harder. It's too much.

"Niall, I'm sorry." You said and kissed his cheek then you went inside the car and turned on the engine

"No, baby please don't leave me." He said knocking at your window while crying harder

Seeing him so broken is too much for you. You had to go.


It's been 2 months since you left Niall. To be honest, you miss him so so much. His smile, his laugh, his corny jokes everything. You wished you could just hug him and tell him everything's gonna be okay.

But it's not that easy and simple.

If you stayed, he will not be around with you. He's gonna be on the studio doing other important things.

You left him because, he's not there when you needed him the most, he's not there to tell you that he loves you, he's not there every morning saying "Good morning beautiful.", he will never be there because he has other priorities. And you will always be his second choice.

And it hurts to be that role when you are with him.

You did your part. Now it's his turn.

You're still lying on your old bed in your old apartment, then you took your phone and plugged in your earphones to listen to Sorry I Left. You closed your eyes and continued to cry while listening to the song.

Niall's POV

I kept looking at my phone, hoping that (Y/N) will reply or call me. But it's been months since the day she left.

These past few weeks, after work I'll head home immediately. I'm still hoping that (Y/N) will still come back because damn I miss her so fucking much.

I keep telling myself that she just need time. She just need space. She'll come back.

But it's been two months and I'm still hoping that everything will be okay again.

Tomorrow is gonna be our 1 year anniversary and I want to see her so bad.

I stopped in front of our old apartment and checked my phone if she texted back.


I grabbed something on my pocket and held the diamond ring on my hand.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. After a few rings it went to  voicemail.

"Hi it's (Y/N) and Niall here. Leave us a message. And don't forget to order pizza at Pizza Hut and deliver it to (you and Niall's apartment address). Thanks!" she said happily and it made me smile

I really miss her.

"Hey (Y/N)... It's Niall. It's been two months baby, I mi-- miss you so much. I need you." I said and I can feel tears falling on my cheeks. "Please come home." I said sniffing up and then the voicemail ended

I threw my phone on the passenger seat and leaned on the stirring wheel and cried while holding the ring tight in my hands

I was so angry, I wish I was home more often. I wish I was there when she needed me. I wish I told her that I love her more than anything. I wish this was just a stupid dream. I wish..

I wish she was with me.

I punched the center of my wheel and it made the car honked

"This was all your fucking fault. Face your consequences Niall!" I said shouting while continuing to punch the wheel and my car kept honking and honking but I didn't care.

I lost the most precious and most important person in my life and I feel lost without her.

(Y/N)'s POV

The music stopped because there was a voicemail and it was from Niall.

"Hey (Y/N)... It's Niall. It's been two months baby, I mi-- miss you so much. I need you." You can tell that he's crying because his voice is shaky "Please come home." It breaked your heart to hear him cry, Niall isn't the kind of person who cried on some random things. If he cried it means that you are important to him.

Then you dialed his number after a few rings then he answered it. You were so nervous you don't know what to say. You just feel like calling him.

"(Y/N)?" You heard him and you can picture him with red eyes and tears streaming down his face "Baby, come home please."

"I want to Niall. But I can't. I'm sorry." You said fighting your sobbed, you don't want to cry infront of him even in your phone calls. You want to be strong even if your not. Even if it breaks your heart.

"Why? Tell me what you want I'll do it. (Y/N) I'll do everything for you. I can't live without you. I love you." He said a little bit louder

You can't help but sobbed and you covered your mouth to stop yourself from crying. You want him to be happy without you. And you want to be happy without him.

It was the right love but it was also the wrong time. If you could just press rewind and go back to the place where the two of you haven't met. You'll do it. Because both of you will be set free.

"Niall, I'm sorry. For everything. You deserve someone better than me. And you deserve to be happy. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Niall please. Stop calling me or texting me, I promise you, you'll be happier without me." You said while tears are falling down your cheeks

"Stop saying sorry. It was never your fault. It was all my fault. Don't blame yourself, I'm the one who caused this mess. (Y/N) I'm only happy when I'm with you. Please, I need you in my life. " He said in between sobs

"You don't understand. I'm doing this for the both of us. Goodbye Niall." And that was it. It was the end of your relationship.

After a few years, both of you finally moved on and you were happy with your own lives. But both of you knew that you were two each others first love.

And that was enough.

And the two of you are finally free.


I think we should change something up. This wasn't a happy ending, I'm sorry. But hope you guys like it.

Don't forget to vote lovelies!

Thanks for the patience and support.

I love you all!

-M xo.

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