97° She's A Fighter

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Hi Shayleemf_19! I'm sorry it took me a while to publish this one. I've rewrite this so many times and I think this one is the best one :) I also want to say that I'm so proud of you for being able to conquer the surgeries that you've had. You're such a fighter!

Thank you for all of the support and patience!

I hope everyone is staying healthy and hydrated!

I love you all so much!



“Honey, drive faster!” Your mom yelled to your dad

They are rushing you to the hospital because you felt something heavy to your chest and you were having a hard time breathing. It was the exact same symptom you had when you were a kid.

Your parents didn't expect it to happen again because they thought you were already completely better, but turns out your heart problem came back.

“Mom, I can't breathe.” You sobbed

Your heart is racing, your hand is shaking and sweating and you can't catch your breath.

“Hold on, sweetheart. We are almost there.” Your mom trying to calm you down by soothing your back and gently rubbing your shoulder “Calm down. It's okay, it's going to be okay.”

Your dad is now driving past the speed limit so you can be in the hospital as soon as possible. A few minutes later, you're being pushed to the emergency room with nurses running to your side.

(Y/N)'s POV

As I slowly open my eyes, I looked into my right hoping that my family or my boyfriend are the ones who are right beside me. But instead, I have random machines that are connected to me.

Then a woman with a face mask on and wearing a white uniform entered the room while carrying some papers on her hand.

“Well good morning, Ms. (Y/N). I'm Hannah, your personal nurse. How are you feeling today?” She asked

“I'm a bit dizzy and lightheaded.” I simply answered

“Oh that's because you've been asleep for 18 hours. In just a few minutes, another nurse will deliver your food.” She said while she is writing something on the paper that she was carrying “Before I leave, do you need or want something?”

“Nothing.” I answered then she nod

“Alright, I'll be back later to test your blood pressure and heartbeat.” I nodded in response and then she left the room

I knew in a couple of hours they'll transfer me into another room to do an open heart surgery.

I've been in and out of the hospital for a couple of days but I've been just admitted yesterday because I started to breathe abnormal. I was catching my breath like asthma but my heart is palpitating at the same time.

They didn't admitted me in a hospital in the first place because they thought the weekly therapy that I was doing was helping me but turns out it didn't.

Niall Horan ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora