66° I'll get her back (Part 3)

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Thank you for all of the constant support and patience with me! I appreciate you guys all so much.

This the part 3 out of 4 of "I'll get her back" and I hope you guys like and enjoy it.

Thank you Starlight_nialler for requesting this imagine, I hope you like and enjoy it as well.

If you guys have any request feel free to message me or comment down below so I can see it asap.

The next imagine after I finished the "I'll get her back" is also a request. So please stay tune!

I love you guys all so much and have an amazing day!



(Y/N)'s POV

I went through my closet to look for an outfit to wear on Shawn's party tonight. I didn't have the time to shop because I was too busy at work. Then I saw this little black dress with a tag on that is hanging at the end of my closet. It was the dress that I bought before me and Niall broke up. I didn't get the chance to wear its purpose because I was to broken to attend the event.

I didn't know that I kept it but I admire the little black dress. It was perfect for tonight's party so I decided to wear it, pairing it with black heels.

I went to the bathroom to get ready. i curled my hair and put on a natural glowy make up. I look at myself at the mirror and I admire the dress because it's flattering and it showed all of the curves of my body.

While driving to the venue, I started to feel nervous. It's my first time meeting Shawn's friends and family and I really want to make a first impression. Once I was inside, the first person I saw was Shawn wearing a white polo long sleeves folded into ¾, a black slacks and leather shoes.

"You look very handsome right now my love." I said and gave him a kiss on the lips

"And you look very sexy and beautiful, princess." He said wrapping his arms around my waist

I gasped after he said 'princess'. It's my first time hearing it after a year.

"What?" Shawn asked "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, I'm just surprised you called me princess. Haven't heard it in a while." I answered

"Oh.. Well you look like one today that's why I called you a princess." He said and kissed you on the cheek

"Thank you, babe." I smiled at him "Nice party by the way."

"Yeah. My assistants did the work and I love it." He said admiring every detail of the decorations "Wait, is it okay if I leave you for a while? I just need to talk my managers. But I'll be back soon." He said

"Yes, of course. Don't worry about me. I'll just get something to drink." I said

"Alright. Enjoy yourself but not too much. Not without me." He winked at me before he left

I rolled my eyes at him and left him to walk over to the refreshment table. As I was walking over there, I saw him standing getting also a drink. Then he turned around, surprised, and smiled at me when he saw me.

Haven't seen those blue orbs in a while. It's always been my favorite part of him.

"Hi." He said and gave him a shy smile

"Hi." I softly said while getting a punch

"You look beautiful tonight." He said

"Thanks. You look good." I said "How are you?" I added making the conversation light

"Same old, same old." He answered "How about you?"

"Uhm, I'm good." I answered smiling at him

It's so weird talking to him again. I feel like I'm talking to a stranger when I've known him for a few years.

"I miss you." He said softly and I act like I didn't hear it but it was very clear to me

"Excuse me." I politely said and went straight to the bathroom

I locked the door and look at myself at the mirror. My cheeks are red as a tomato and my hands are sweaty.

Three words made my heart skip a beat.

"How can he say that?" I asked myself

I thought that I moved on? But why am I feeling this way again?

"(Y/N)?" I heard Shawn said outside while knocking the door "You okay?"

I quickly fixed my clothes and hair before I opened the door.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I said like I'm okay as I opened the door "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you enter the bathroom and I thought something was wrong." He said

"No, I'm fine. I just needed to take a pee." I lied and went back to the center of the party with him

"Come, I'll introduce you." He said taking my hand to his

While he introduced me to his friends and family, I was not feeling myself. But I try to interact with them and make a first impression.

Niall's words are still bothering me.

After all of the talking, I excused myself on one of Shawn's friends and went outside of the balcony to get some fresh air.

Everything is so overwhelming right now. I just wanted to go back to my apartment and relaxed, but I can't do that to Shawn because this party is very special to him.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice behind me said and I turned around to see who

"Oh, hi love. Just getting some fresh air." I said and he wrapped he's arms around my waist

"You sure your okay?" He asked and I nodded a yes "'Cause I noticed that there is something off with you while I was introducing you to my family and friends. You usually talk a lot when you are around with people." He said

"I was just nervous that's all." I said "You should be inside entertaining your guests."

"I can't leave you right now. Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked pulling away

"I'm perfectly fine, Ni." I said

"What?" He asked looking at me like I betrayed him

"What?" I asked in confusion "I said I'm perfectly fine, N-" I gasped

Did I just say Ni in front of my boyfriend?

"Shawn, I didn't mean to say it. I'm sorry, Oh my gosh! Why did I say that?" I said panicking

"(Y/N) please tell me what's going on?" He said he's voice getting a little louder

"Please don't be mad at me. I'm really sorry please just-- Oh my god!" I said and covered my face as I started to cry in front of him

What should I tell him?

Breath (Y/N), just tell him what you feel right now. What you feel on your relationship. What you feel about Niall.

"(Y/N), I didn't mean to be mad. I just got ticked off when you said his nickname in front of me." He said hugging and trying to comfort me

"I know and I'm sorry." I said pulling away so I can wiped off my tears

"I saw you talking to Niall while you were getting yourself a drink." He sighed "Then you went straight to the bathroom after he said something to you."

"Shawn it's nothing, I promise." I said

Then he asked me that I never thought that it will come out of his mouth.

"Do you still love him?"

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