Chapter 1: Finding Him

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Everyone has secrets, everyone has that little something about themselves that no one else knows and in that case I'm just like everyone else. Although, my secret was always going to be a little more harmful than others. It was in my blood and I certainly had yet to find a way of changing my genes.

Werewolf. A myth to some, a natural lifestyle to others. My father, the one who passed on the dominant genes, had fallen in love with my human mother; an occurrence that wasn't out of the ordinary. Then of course the universe appeared to have it out for me, but that wasn't surprising considering the unfortunate series of bad luck that seemed to be coursing through my family tree.

I sighed, today was supposed to be a day of happiness, a day of excitement; a day in which I was destined to find my mate. It was my seventeenth birthday and has tradition goes, I was going to go through heat until I found him. I didn't see how that was supposed to bring someone happiness, it was more like unwanted attention. Heat, aka hell, was when every unmarked male, in my case, suddenly would become attracted to me. I wasn't excited about that part but funding my mate could be considered a proper reason for excess excitement.

As there were to every situation ever, there were pros and cons. You see, werewolves were always know to be overly possessive, con. Pro, werewolves were protective of what they had claimed as their own. When someone finds their mate, regardless of who their mate happened to be, it's said to be a sudden rush of calm: a sudden sense of peace.

My used-to-be-best-friend, Kate Smith, found out that her mate was actually one of her worst enemies. Of course, that rivals lasted about as long as our "friendship". Even with everything that had happened, for some strange reason I was still happy that she had found the love of her life. I couldn't help the small part of me that wanted him to break her heart though.

I pushed myself up off my bed and slowly made my way to my vanity. I made a disgusted face at the horror that was called my bed head. The black locks were all over the place in what resembled a bird's nest. I began grumbling a string of colorful words as I attempted to pull the brush through it. Every morning I always tried to sort myself out first, seeing as it was the part that always took the longest.

Happy birthday to us, my wolf, Marie, spoke gently, knowing that my mother wouldn't be around to say it. Every werewolf, male or female, had an inner wolf. Your inner wolf was always to be known as their human sides middle name. I gave her a mental smile and continued trying to fix my hair. I eventually got it to a point where it at least looked presentable; a rare occurrence.

I pulled of my pajamas, being careful of my newly sorted mop. Going to my closet, in just my bra and underwear, the idea of dressing up coursed through my head. I didn't have anyone to consult seeing as I was the only one in the Starlight Pack that wasn't allowed to live in the pack house. Of the joy of being the werewolf outcast. Instead of putting forth effort, I picked out my usual long sleeve tee and black washed jeans. If I were anyone else on that particular day I would be dressing up but I just wasn't into that. I stiffened, hearing my front door open and close.

Immediately I knew it was Zach. He was the only one that just let himself in and the only one that actually visited. I heard his faint footsteps on the stairs and then down the hallways leading to my room. I had just finished slipping into my bright red converse when my door swung open.

"Hey Lizzy!" ZACH pounced on me as soon as I looked up at him. I squealed and fell backwards, his weight holding me down. "Happy birthday!" He shouted right in my face with a rather large smile. He was always more excited about my birthdays than I ever was. I managed to finally push him off after multiple failed attempts.

Heart Like Yours (Bad Boy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang