Chapter 5: ...Cammie...

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After our 'date', I guess you could call it, Cameron and I headed back to his pack house, as promised. By that time, it was around five in the evening. I honestly couldn't believe how much time we had spent running around, talking and just being with each other. Maria loved the time with her mate and the freely running around, which of course every wolf does.

Meeting the ones dearest to him was a necessity but to say I wasn't nervous would be a lie. I was nervous times a hundred and fifty thousand. Cameron, of course, wouldn't stop laughing at my jittery stage and he just was purposfully making it worse by saying that there were a lot of people that I had to meet on a different day and that the ones I was meeting then held the most importance to him. Such a wonderful support system, not the sarcasm.

The way he looked when he laughed made me feel like his bad boy side was just an act, a random observation that I had obtained through all of his teasing. Sure, the day had gone wonderfully and there had yet to be any problems but I couldn't get the feeling that things wouldn't always be so happy out of my head. It was constantly there in the back of my mind. Marie didn't notice and thankfully neither did Cameron. It was just my human mind. My human self had yet to fall in love with Cameron's human self, so I wasn't blinded with the love that our wolves already were. I wasn't blinded by his looks, I still was capable of taking note of everything bad that he had been known to do.

I was brought back from my mind to reality as Cameron placed his hand on my back, gently leading me through the front door of his pack house. He had already explained to me that Hunter and Derek were the only ones in the entire pack that he actually trusted fully, thus they were the only ones he was intending for me to meet.

There were three males and one female sitting on the couch as we entered. They immediately felt the Alpha presence and jumped up in respect, just as any lower rank pack member should. Two of the males looked exactly the same, twins, with brown hair and muddy, yet pretty, green eyes. The other male had blonde hair and light blue eyes, while the girl was the polar opposite with black hair and almost black eyes.

"Alpha." They all greeted respectfully, it was then that I realized they had acted that way out of fear. Fear of what, I didn't really want to know but I could smell it and hear it laced in their tones.

"At ease." Cameron stated, just has a general would to a lower rank soldier. It was obvious that things in this pack were very strict and orderly, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The entire room was incredibly neat, everything was set in place and clean, unlike my house. The four relaxed, but only slightly. I could feel their wondering, yet cautious, eyes upon me as I smiled kindly at them.

"Alpha, who might this be?" The girl questioned, her short croppy hair falling away from her eyes. Marie growled slightly as the two met eyes, but I kept her calm by letting it be known that it wasn't a romantic gesture, at least I hoped.

"Your future Luna." He stated proudly, letting his arm wound comfortably around me. The girl seemed shocked at his words but I was too full of happiness to truly notice. He had claimed me openly and proudly, which was what every wolf wished and prayed for. "Damien, could you gather Hunter and Derek?" He nodded over to the boy with blonde hair who quickly nodded and ran off to fulfill the wish of his alpha.

"Hey, I'm Elizabeth but you can just call me anything other than that." I held out my hand for each of them to shake. The girl was the first to react, she gave me a warm smiled and shook my hand happily.

"I'm Melissa, mate of Evan Daniels." A look of love and pure adoration grew in her eyes as she spoke her lovers name, I couldn't help but smile even though I had no idea who she was talking about. Any worry of her having an attraction to Cameron flew out the window. I nodded and has she released my hand one of the twins grabbed it. I felt Cameron growl as soon as we made contact but I ignored his possessiveness.

"Jake." He said in a slight accent of some sort but I couldn't put my finger on where it was from. He let me go and his brother took his turn.

"And most importantly I'm Justin." He announced proudly. Cameron's eyes were glaring at him until he let me go.

"Nice to meet you all." I smiled at each of them individually, making sure to leave a hopefully good first impression. They each bowed their head respectfully, an act I certainly wasn't used to. Damien came back into the room, followed by two other males.

"Thank you, now if you could give us some privacy." Cameron asked, okay not asked, stated. The four quickly nodded and practically raced out of the room. I looked around, taking in the clean, homelike smell, I was honestly surprised that there hadn't been more pack members considering I knew by the size of the house that there were roughly 200 of them. He let go of me for the first time since we entered, making Marie whimper in complaint, and man hugged both of the other wolves.

"Hunter, Derek, meet my mate, Elizabeth." Cameron smiled over at me while I gave him a dirty look for using my full name.

"I told you not to call me that." I stated, still giving him a dirty look. He smirked.

"I can call you whatever I please." He said, testing me. I mentally smirked, thinking of a new nickname for him that he surely wouldn't like because it clearly didn't go with his bad boy appearance.

"Whatever... Cammie." I didn't watch his expression, I turned my attention to the 'important ones' as Cameron put it. "Hey." I smiled at them, they looked rather amused at what they had just watched.

"I'm Hunter, beta and your new brother." He pulled me into a death grip of a hug. I laughed at his introduction. He had short brown and blue hair and hazel eyes. His looks were unique and I could tell immediately that we were going to be close.

"If you could kindly release my mate, that'd be wonderful." Cameron's jealous tone cracked through the moment. Hunter and I pulled away from each other. I smirked openly at his rough tone, has did Hunter.

"Weirdos, anyways I'm Derek! Older brother of Cammie!" He snickered at the use of Cameron's new nickname. He pulled me into a quick hug before looking at Cameron evilly. I grinned, yay I wouldn't be the only one calling him that so it was bound to make him more annoyed. (It was fun watching him try to stay annoyed.) I had a feeling that these three in the room with me would be my new best friends and family seeing as we already clicked like old friends.

"Oh don't you start!" Cameron groaned.

"Aye, Aye Captain!" Hunter saluted him with a snicker. Yep, I would certainly fit in here.

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