Chapter 23

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Tori's POV:

"What exactly are you in the mood for?" Niall quizzes as we walk towards his car. I pull the last sleeve of my sweater up my arm and grip the material tighter to me. The snow beneath my feet makes crunching noises as we walk, luckily I'm wearing my boots.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I'm really craving Chinese food." I puckered my lips in thought, my eyes turning into slits. Niall chuckled as the car roared to life. I clicked my seatbelt in and waited as he reversed out of his driveway.

"Looks like it's Chinese food then." He smiles as we drive towards the city. It doesn't take long to get there thankfully, only about 10 minutes. I reach forward to turn the radio up, the silence was deafening and I hated it.

"Next up, Little Mix's new single: Towers !" The radio man introduced before a new tune began to play through the car, it was soft and melodic. It had a beat to it that made me tap my fingers to as the angel-like voices sung.

"I still feel love when I see your face,
But all these tears I can't erase.."

I couldn't help but process on how the lyrics meant something. Something I couldn't identify. It was strange, but somehow related. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

We pulled to a stop, making me snap from my thoughts and glance around outside. It was snowing lightly, the white coldness coating the trees that were circled with bright fairy lights, it was Christmas soon, -my birthday even closer- and the town was already getting into the spirit. Across the road was a line of restaurants and fast food shops. "I say we get take away." I mumbled, unclicking my seatbelt.

"Why do you think that?" Niall asked, his brow pulled into a small frown of confusion. My eyes flickered at the gorgeously decorated trees.

"Because," I smiled a wide grin, "I want to go for a walk." His eyes travelled to the trees, the light reflecting in his blue eyes making them gleam. I looked away before I got lost in them and opened the door before Niall snapped out of his trance.

I shivered as a cool breeze swept through me and clutched my jumper closer to me. Niall was at my side in seconds, without me even realising him getting out of the car. The headlights flickered twice, signalling the car had locked. "So, food first and we'll find somewhere to eat?" Niall suggested. I nodded my head, my stomach shaking in hunger.

He took a hold of my hand and led us across the road towards the glow of the building lights. It was a nice atmosphere, reasonably peaceful, with tunes playing from different restaurants and shops. The smell was inviting, but I continued following Niall, he seemed to know where he was going.

"Here we are," Niall stated, stopping in his tracks. I stopped walking and stood beside him. Our hands were still entwined, but I didn't try separate them. "Trust me, they have amazing food." He smiled before leading me into the Chinese shop.


Niall's POV:

"This tastes amazing!" Tori hummed in pleasure as the food was shovelled into her mouth, rather messily as well. I laughed at her childish ways of eating as the food fell from her fork. She frowned at the food, unhappy that it fell before scooping it up again and shoving it in her mouth.

I shook my head at the sight, smiling as I copied her actions. "I told you, I found that place a while ago but never really got to tell you..." I trailed off, frowning as I stared at the ground.

"Yeah, I know." She whispered, the bubbly mood quickly fading.

"I'm sorry, you know I'll regret it till the day I die, right?" I sighed, finally looking at her. She nodded her head. It was silence for a while, and I started to take back ever mentioning the topic in the first place.

"Why did you run?" She suddenly questioned stopping in her tracks and taking me by surprise. I would've thought she just wanted to drop the subject. I looked at her again, this time taking in her beauty. The fairy lights above us embraced her in a beautiful glow. Her brown curls blew with the breeze every now and then. I could see her face perfectly, her eyes shining bright.

"I-... I couldn't stand being around knowing you didn't even want to look at me. The house had too many memories that I couldn't bare remembering, because every time I did, it'd tear me in two. I know I was a dick for leaving you, especially like that. Words can't express how sorry I am, really." I breathed out, every now and again breaking our eye contact. She breathed out a sigh, the oxygen becoming visible in the cold air.

"The weeks I spent crying over you," She muttered sadly, looking at the ground. I felt my stomach drop. She sniffed slightly, turning her head to look into the start-lit sky. "The days I never walked out of that room, not even wanting to see my own parents faces," I could see the tears brimming her eyes, all I wanted to do was hug her and never let go. "And the hours I sat on my bed, staring at my walls and thinking how stupid I was, it was all because you left." A single tear slipped from her eye, and that was enough for me to grab her by the waist and pull her close to me. The food in our hands dropped to the floor.

She shook in my arms as she sucked in sharp breaths. "I missed you." She whispered into my chest. I rubbed my hand over her back and kissed her forehead.

"There's no need for that, because I'm not going anywhere without you with me." I re-assured her, making her head crook up to look at me. I watched as a small smile curled on her lips. My hand cupped her face and wiped away the tears threatening to fall. She leant into my hand, her eyes fluttering closed for a second before opening again. I smiled at her, the positive mood reappearing.

"Guess we need some more food." I laughed, looking down at our food sprawled out on the pathway. She laughed with me, sniffing and rubbing her nose. She sounded like she had a cold, but I know it's just from crying.

"Does that mean two dates in one night?" She quirked an eyebrow at me, a wide smile firm on her lips. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Oh, is this a date to you?" I asked, smiling just as wide as her. Her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink at my words, making me laugh. "Good, because I agree with you." I assured her, digging my fingers into her ribs. She let out a shriek before laughing loudly, trying to shake my grip off of her.

"Niall! Stop! People are staring!" She laughed in between breaths. I laughed along with her.

"Who cares what they think!" I scrunched up my face, my smile still plastered.

"Niall! Stop!" She screamed, trying to slap me. I pried my fingers from her ribs, still in a fit of laughter as she breathed heavily. "I'll get your little Irish ass back!" She narrowed her eyes at me. I smiled.

"Maybe, but for now let's go and get some more food."




But at least I updated earlier? Right? ALSO! I won't be able to update for about a week, I'm going to a holiday park and I don't think there's wifi *cries* BUT IF THERE IS, I'LL TRY POST A PHOTO XO bc I love you all c: <3

~k e l s e y x

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