Chapter 24

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Tori's POV:

I shouldn't be this fat. I'm only 3 and a half months. I look like I'm 5 months along... That's not normal, is it? This is where I need a motherly figure, but considering my own kicked me out for being a 'slut', if only she knew, I pulled out my phone and searched my contacts, trying to find the person I knew could help me. I tapped on the name and held the phone to my ear.

After the second ring, she finally picked up. "Chloe?" I asked. I heard her yawn over the other side of the phone, I had probably woken her up.

"Hey Tori." Her voice was groggy and tired.

"Shit, did I wake you up? I'm sorry-" I sighed before she cut me off.

"It's fine, I needed to get up in 10 anyways." She chuckled, the sound of movement clear in the background. "So, what's up?" She questioned, her morning voice fading slightly.

"It's about my pregnancy," I frowned to myself, "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be this fat at just 3 and a half months. I look like I'm 5 or 6 months along for god sakes!" I groaned, falling back on the couch. She hummed in thought before a faint voice behind her spoke.

"Chloe, come back to bed." It groaned, making my jaw drop. I gasped, a wide smile on my face.

"Who is that!?" I whisper-yelled to her. She coughed before replying to the person- or guys request.

"I'll be back in a minute Louis." She whispered, then the sound of a door shutting silenced it. My mouth hung wide. Louis. As in Niall's friend, Louis? Oh my word.

"Chloe!" I squealed. "Is that Niall's friend, Louis?" I couldn't stop myself from giggling. She hushed me.

"Maybe..." She mumbled.

"Are you dating or just have a thing? Why wasn't I told!?" I asked all at once, causing her to groan in response.

"I was gonna tell you later, but I never got around to it," I could practically see the small smile on her face as she blushed. "We're official." She squealed back at me. I squealed with her, she deserves someone good for her, and if this boy breaks her then I'll break him.

"He better take care of you!" I warned. She laughed.

"He's perfect Tori, I'm certain he will." She dreamily sighed. I smiled at the cuteness. She really liked this guy.

"Stop being cute, I barely know him and you're making me feel like I'll be single forever." I huffed. She laughed loudly at that, but it was a more 'as if' laugh.

"Oh please, if only you saw the way Niall looks at you." I could hear the smirk in her voice as she spoke slowly. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at her words, although I doubted them. I scrunched up my face and rolled my eyes.

"Psh, he doesn't look at me in any way." I mumbled, though a small part of me wanted to believe it.

"He looks at you with love in his eyes Tori, everyone sees it but you." Okay, now she's just teasing or actually meaning it. My heart pounded against my chest heavily at her words. Does he really look at me like that?

"How come I never see it then?" I questioned, expecting her to stop. But that's not the kind of Chloe I've came to know.

"You're never looking when he does." She states. I can feel myself slowly melting away. She's right, I've never actually seen him look at me like that, so I can't say he doesn't. But I also can't say he does. These thoughts are getting too much for me, I think my heart will explode. I cleared my throat, pushing away the heart melts and butterflies and focussed on my first question.

"So," I coughed. "About the pregnancy."

"Oh yeah, well I don't know much about how-big-your-stomach-should-be-at-what-month, so I'm just going to suggest you go and book another ultrasound appointment." I wouldn't have even thought of that. I nodded to myself.

"Good thinking, thanks Chloe. I'll talk to you later." I smiled to myself.

"Alright, oh! And Tori?" She questioned.


"If he's willing to show his true feelings towards you, that means you shouldn't hide yours from him." She said before hanging up, and leaving me speechless. I blinked a few times, running over that one sentence a million times. Well- it felt like a million. Show my feelings to him... The only problem is I have no idea what I'm feeling. Whether I like him or not, I'm just not sure.

I sighed. I really need some Starbucks. I pulled on my trench coat while trying - trying - to text Niall who was currently at work.

'I'm just going out to get some Starbucks, so please don't freak out if you come back and I'm not home. x'

I pressed the send button and almost instantly got a reply back from none other than Niall himself.

'Alright, please stay safe. x' I smiled to myself, clicked the phone off and walked out of the house.


"Tori Innes?" My name was called from the counter as an employee stood with my order. I pushed through the people and sent a small smile to the worker as I took my drink out of her hand. I sipped lightly through the straw, humming in appreciation at the taste. Yep, I could get used to this.

"T-Tori?" A deep voice called behind me. I raised an eyebrow and turned around to the person. I almost dropped my cup at the sight when I took in a sharp breath. No... It couldn't be. Could it?

"Lucas?" I breathed.



so. I'm back mhm, and I am UPDATIIIIING! How was everyones new years? ITS 2014 AND I'M STILL SINGLE WHUT. ARGH. I hate relationships they make me sad.. *sigh* HOPE EVERYONE HAD A SAFE AND FUN NEW YEARS! Xx

-k e l s e y x

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