Chapter 59

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Tori's POV:

"Lucas! Pick up your goddamn phone!" I shouted as the computer lady answered the call for me. I was growing too frustrated, if it's not one thing, it's the other. I can't get a break from drama, I swear! My breathing was heavy, but silent as I clenched my fingers around the phone. He has to be a difficult brother, if he had warned me he was visiting, I would've told him our parents were here already. Stupid boys, not using their brains.

"Never grow up being a stubborn butt!" I scolded, pointing to Caleb on the carpet in front of me. Both himself and Diana were laying on their backs, their little hands flying through the air at random, almost like punches. Niall had left for work, leaving myself to look after the monsters, in which I loved, but were still monsters. It was almost five in the evening, so it wouldn't be long until he arrives home. They were both almost a month old, and the fact that there were already changes in the way they moved and reacted to things frightened me. Caleb was just able to hold his head up for short periods of time already! And were babytalking on no end, well, gurgling and cooing may I say. "Time is flying already and you two are on a roll." I smiled, watching them stare at nothing in particular.

The vibrating of my phone caused me to jump in my seat, it was Harry. "Hello?" I asked, my voice sounding a little more questionable than intended.

"Tori, thank god," He breathed, making me stand in concern.

"Harry, whats wrong?" I spoke, my voice full of seriousness. My heart was thumping faster, and I wasn't even sure if it were good or bad news.

"Your brothers name is Lucas right?" He asked, in which I agreed to. "Well I just found him on the street, drunk out of his will already. I don't know how or why, but I need you to help me." My thoughts didn't seem to process what he had just said. Lucas was drunk on the street? How long was he out there for? He left yesterday so God only knows. My eyes flickered to Caleb and Diana on the carpet. I bit my lip.

"Uh, I may be about 15 minutes, I have the kids with me." I said, packing my bag.

"Could you call Chloe? I don't think it's safe for them to be down here." He muttered as shouting began in the background, I thought I could hear the sound of glass being broken which tore my nerves through the roof.

"Okay, okay. Yeah, I'll call you back." I almost stuttered on my words as the stress built in my stomach. I quickly found Chloe's number and rung it, the ringing seemed like it was echoing in my ears. I could only hope Caleb wasn't doing things he'd regret. The boys and him had met a few times, but not enough to really get to know one another.

"Well hello." Chloe piped, sounding happier than ever.

"Chloe I need you to come and watch Caleb and Diana for a while, I'm not sure how long but I will pay you, please! This is important and I'm in a rush." I breathed out, pacing back and fourth around the room.

"What- Why? What's happened?" Her once cheerful tone dissapeared to concern, but I had to dismiss her questions.

"No time to explain, just please get here." I ran my hands through my hair, wanting to tug every last strand out.

"I'm already in the car, be there in five." She said and hung up. And exactly five minutes later, she barged into the room with a red face and her chest falling and rising quickly. "What on earth is happening?!" She was almost out of breath. I hated causing her stress, but my brother was currently off his mind in the streets, probably abusive and doing things he really shouldn't. I just want him safe.

"I just need you to watch them! I'll explain later, thank you so much!" I yelled as I slammed the front door shut. I ran to the car, dialling Harry's number again and putting it on loud speaker so I could drive without anyone pulling me over.

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