12. I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)

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November 16th 2014, London

Since it was getting late, I decided to leave Harry's house. I called a cab, even if Harry insisted on getting his driver to drive me home. The journey home was luckily short and, as I opened my door, I was welcomed by Stella on the couch.

"Where were you?"

I hesitated, then whispered "work"

"Don't start lying to me"

"I was at Harry's"

"What's up with you two?" she smirked

"We just watched a movie" I said and she didn't answer so I left her to go to sleep. I crawled into bed and recognized Harry's smell on my bedsheets. While I was creepily sniffing it, I felt my phone vibrate.

"@NiallOfficial: tomorrow we're throwing a party to celebrate our new album come out, you should come x"

"@JadeEvans: I'd love to! where is it? x"

"@NiallOfficial: not sure yet lol will ll tell you the details as soon as I know, see you tomorrow x"

The following day passed really quickly because I shot my first official video ever. They had rented a luxurious villa for it, I had backup dancers and I had to pretend to flirt with a hot actor for the whole day. I was proud of the result and was very excited and nervous for everyone to see it.

Although I was exhausted, I couldn't wait to go to the party. Niall had let me know that they were actually holding it at his house, so I reckoned it was a private party. Because of that, my only wish was for it to not be awkward.

After hesitating knocking on Niall's door for a while, I mustered up the courage. Niall opened the door and grinned at me widely. I was relieved to notice he was wearing some jeans, a black t-shirt and a cap because I had decided to keep it simple too. He greeted me, let me in and showed me around. I was surprised when he told me that I had been the first one to arrive but didn't give it too much importance. I told him about my video and he told me about their album, we chatted for a while and people started arriving.

Liam was the first to arrive with a beautiful girl which, then, introduced herself as Sophia. She was his girlfriend and I must admit they looked hot together. Then Louis arrived and he greeted me with a sweet hug, introduced me to the friends he had brought along, and enthusiastically praised my single. Zayn got there shortly after Louis and I couldn't help but wonder where Harry was.

After talking to Louis for long, I walked to Niall, stole his cap from behind and wore it. He turned around with a shocked look but bursted out laughing as soon as he saw me. If there was one thing I adored about Niall, it was his laughter, I was convinced it could have cheered everybody up. He handed me a drink, I took a sip and felt the strongest taste I had ever tried. He probably noticed it from the face that I made and teased me by saying I had to be instructed if I wanted to be a part of his squad.

Happy by Pharrell started playing and I lost it completely. I dragged Niall with me to the center of the room, where some people was dancing, and started moving too. I probably looked like a crazy human being but I couldn't have cared less. Niall was dancing too and, just like when we were at the club, I was dying from laughter. Soon Louis joined us and he was as stupid as us. In that moment I knew we were going to be really good friends.

When the song finished, we were all out of breath from how much we had moved around and we threw ourselves on the couch. While I was sat there, I looked around and was surprised to see Harry in a corner with a girl I had never seen before. They were laughing and she was stunning. I was never a possessive person but in that moment I felt weird inside. Nonetheless I let it go and excused myself to go get a drink. I poured some rum and cola in a glass and downed it pretty quickly. I mixed some more for me and did one for Niall too. I was walking back towards the couch when I realized that Harry was sitting right next to Niall, with the same girl on his side who was joking with Sophia. I gave Niall the glass and said hi to Harry. He wasn't expecting me there and showed it with his glance. I congratulated him for the album and he thanked me with a weird smile. I honestly couldn't tell if he was happy about it or not but I somehow held back my usual overthinking. I decided to take a seat next to Louis and he looked at me curiously.

"What's happened there?" he smirked

"What do you mean?"

"I can see Harry's bewildered"

"And why are you telling me?" I anxiously laughed

"He's been like that since he saw you here" he winked and I was caught by surprise. I didn't answer, I looked at Harry who was already staring at me. As soon as our eyes met, he looked down. I didn't know what was wrong with him but I didn't feel like it was the best moment to go ask him.

Niall started tinkling on his glass to gain everyone's attention. Everybody fell silent and he started laughing.

"I wanted to thank everybody for coming here to celebrate with us Four" he said, "but the time has come: as a tradition we'll have to do karaoke" he was certainly drunker than he was when I had left him, "if you don't know how it works..."

"Mate, I think everybody knows how karaoke works" Louis interrupted him while laughing at him.

He, then, sassily answered that they had their rules and followed by explaining them. Every song was going to be a duet, you had to pick two pieces of paper from a bowl and one would say your partner and the other would tell the song. Niall was walking around with a bowl in his hand and got in front of me really quickly. I didn't really want to sing in front of all these people I didn't know but Niall forced me and when I took the piece of paper, opened it and read "I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) by George Michael and Aretha Franklin" I felt excited because I loved the song so much. After a few minutes I found out I had been paired with Liam.

Niall started singing with a boy I didn't know. They were singing Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee and they were hilarious. Niall was amazing at singing while the other boy was definitely off-key.

After a while I noticed Harry standing up, taking a girl's hand and dragging her towards the mics. Once again, I didn't like watching him with another girl but inevitably let it go. The base started playing and I immediately recognized Something Stupid by Frank and Nancy Sinatra. He started singing and as soon as I heard his voice, it was like everything had vanished around me. He sounded like an angel and he fit the song perfectly. I wondered if there was something he was bad at. He started joking with the girl, twirling her in rhythm and as much as I enjoyed watching him being himself and having fun, I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous of the girl and of how he made everyone feel so special. The song finished, they hugged and walked back to their seats.

It was, then, my turn to sing. Liam smiled at me while handing me the mic, the base started and I begun singing,

"Like a warrior that fights and wins the battle, I know the taste of victory though I went through some nights consumed by shadows, I was crippled emotionally" I confidently sang with my eyes closed.

"Somehow I made it through the heartache, I did, I escaped, I found my way out of the darkness, I kept my faith" Liam's amazing voice came out

"When the river was deep I didn't falter, when the mountain was high I still believed, when the valley was low it didn't stop me, I knew you were waiting, I knew you were waiting for me" we harmonized excellently, our voices were good together and it sounded almost like we had rehearsed it.

"With an endless desire I kept on searching, sure in time our eyes would meet, like the bridge is on fire the hurt is over" I opened my eyes, involuntarily looked at Harry and noticed he was licking his lips, "one touch and you set me free".

The song soon finished and I was surprised to hear applause coming from the people surrounding us. For some reason, Liam quickly hugged me but walked away immediately. I did the same and sat again next to Louis. He looked like he wanted to tell me something but he just smirked.

People sang some more but then they started leaving since it was 3am of a Monday night. I left as well and on my way home I was scrolling through Instagram and saw Niall had posted a selfie we had taken together. The caption was "good times with lovely people".


Author's note:

Hello everybody and thank you for reading this chapter. Let me know what you thought of it and if you liked it please vote it :)

I'm not english or american or australian so I know my english is not perfect. If you notice mistakes or whatever let me know.

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