25. As Long as You Follow

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March 10th 2015, London Singapore

"Jade" I heard someone screaming from behind, turned around and saw Niall running towards me, "I've missed you these days"

"Nialler" I yelled in his ears and hugged him, "I've missed you too" 

"What have you been up to?" he asked while putting down his bags and taking a seat next to Pat and me. We were in a Heathrow's private lounge, booked for the boys, and we had been the  first ones to arrive. 

"Nothing much, I spent my free time at home, what about you?" I asked but he didn't have the time to answer because we were interrupted by a lot of voices. I turned around and saw a lot of people coming in, the first person I recognized was Lou, holding Lux in her arms, followed by Lottie and a girl I had already seen somewhere. Behind them there were Sophie and Liam. Then Harry finally appeared. He looked amazing as usual, he was wearing sunglasses on his head, had a leather journal in his hands and had a huge bag in his other hand. As soon as our eyes met, his grin grew wider and his eyes lit up. I could tell he was happy. 

"Jade, this is my sister Gemma" Harry introduced to me the beautiful girl with a smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks turning red straight away because of the memories from when I had told him I had thought she was his date. 

"Hi gorgeous, nice to meet you" she said while extending her hand to me.

"Nice to meet you too" I shook her hand and smiled at her. She returned the smile but our short conversation was interrupted by Lux, who wanted Gemma's attention. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the two siblings. Even if we had been in the same room for a few minutes, I had already observed that she pulled the same faces as his brother, they looked alike a lot. She looked really beautiful, even with no make up on, and she sounded kind too. 

"Don't worry, she doesn't know that you thought she was my date" Harry came closer and whispered in my ear, "yet" and bursted out laughing. 

"Arse" I laughed before gently punching him on his stomach

"You're too aggressive" he pretended to be hurt, I gave him the finger "and rude" he added and kept on chuckling. 

I was surprised to discover that we were going to fly on a private jet. It was my first time on something so luxurious and saying I felt excited was an understatement. I climbed the stairs and   felt shocked when I realized what was in front of me. You could see the expensiveness from every detail, for example all the seats were in grey leather. Also, contrary to normal planes that made me feel quite claustrophobic, this one was very spacious. It felt like a dream.

I sat in a random seat and Harry, who was behind me, unexpectedly sat in front of me. Gemma, then, sat next to him while Lou took a seat next to me. I could tell Gemma wasn't as outgoing as her brother but she still made conversation, in fact we chatted about whatever for a while. As the plane was taking off, I glanced at Pat. He was already looking at me, I gave him a reassuring nod and he smiled at me. It was pretty obvious that he was still a little scared of flying and was trying to hide it, but he had gotten better at it. I looked at Harry and noticed he was on on his phone. He had a funny expression on his face so I seized the moment and took a picture of him. 

It was a night flight so after babbling some more with everyone, someone switched off the lights and silence crept over the jet

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It was a night flight so after babbling some more with everyone, someone switched off the lights and silence crept over the jet. I took out my headphones and put some Kings of Leon music on, knowing that I'd fall asleep quickly. 

I woke up a few hours later, opened my eyes to find Harry awake with his phone in his hand. From his sleepy face, I could tell he had just woken up too. I heard Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac and felt confused since I had fallen asleep with another playlist playing. I took a look at my phone and noticed that my headphones were now connected to Harry's iPhone. He looked up, saw I was awake and smiled. As Long as You Follow by Fleetwood Mac started playing. I smiled at him because of the song choice and enjoyed every second of it. 

"I've been dreaming, thought it was in vain... But now you're here, can't believe that you're back again"

"I can live today if you give me tomorrow as long as you follow"

"Now I know I can't lose as long as you follow, I'm gonna win, I'm gonna beg, steal, or borrow"

When the song finished, Harry silently whispered "this song makes me think of you". I gave him a spontaneous toothy smile as he took my hand and started playing with it. Then, little by little, everyone started waking up and we the rest of the journey talking about anything, playing with Lux and eating. 

When we arrived in Singapore, security informed us that the situation at the airport was pretty crazy so they told us it'd be better to walk out separately. Lou, Lux, Gemma and Lottie were escorted first. Then Pat and I were told to follow two security guards. When I stepped in the airport, the loud screams of people calling my name, asking for photographs or autographs, almost deafened me. I tried to not look nervous but, truth to be told, it was my first time handling such a situation and I felt overwhelmed at least. I was told to keep walking and not stop for any reason so, even it felt mean to do so, I did as I was told. I hopped on a black van and finally felt like I could breathe again. 

"Are you okay Jade?" Gemma's voice brought me back to reality

"Yeah, I just need to get used to all of this" I smiled at her, thankful for her genuine interest

"I think you can never get used to this craziness" Zayn, that had just entered the car with Louis, intervened. I looked and nodded at him while thinking that he looked weird, more thoughtful than usual. I wasn't really close to him so I let it go and decided to stop my nosiness... still I couldn't help but notice how sad and stressed he looked. 

The other boys got in the car, looking kind of overwhelmed too. Harry took a glance at me, like he wanted to check if I was okay, and I just smiled at him. Knowing he was there with me made me feel safer for some kind of reason. The driver started the engine and, as usual, I zoned out and started looking out of the window. I loved watching the surroundings and the people on the street, especially when I was traveling, because I liked to fantasize about who they were, what was their name, what they did for a living or what they were thinking. As I was daydreaming my phone vibrated, 

"Don't bite your lips" I read and smirked

"Why not? x" I replied and started to stare at him, he immediately read the text, bit his lower lip and started typing

"It's not nice, nor legal, to torture people" I held back my laughter 

"We've already established that I'm rude... haven't we?

"I didn't know you were a lawbreaker too though..." he replied but I didn't have the time to text him back since we had arrived at the hotel. It made me laugh how immature we were, texting while in the same car, we looked like two teenagers, but I didn't care at all because I just felt happy. 


Writer's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter! Let me know your thoughts on it! Also, if you liked this chapter make sure to vote and comment please :)

I was wondering, what kind of music do you listen to? :)

Hope you have an amazing day x

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