Crap Only Directioners Will Get

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ME: *watches video of One Direction* *starts rolling on floor crying*

FRIEND #1: Is she going to be okay.....

ME: *gets up* *wipes tears from eyes* *starts screaming into pillow*

FRIEND #2: Yeah, she always does this after watching a One Direction video. It'll wear off in a while.


This is a book that will be filled with stuff that you will only get if you're a directioner. It will have inside jokes, goofy imagines, struggles of being a directioner, and anything else that is funny involving 1D that we can think of. Hopefully it'll make you laugh, and make liquid shoot out of some sort of opening from your body. Enjoy!

I am going to try and have every chapter include a gif or picture but hopefully mostly a gif! So always be looking for that! ;) 

Side note: This is being written by me Olivia this account owner and my Directioner friend Jessie! We are co writing it together!

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