Imagine.. (funniest one you will ever read)

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~A/N~ Warning this was written by a Directioner if you know what I mean, I think that's enough warning for you. Just if you are okay with the whole Liam's 10in thing then please read on you are going to laugh so hard. Yes I wrote this, but the idea was thought up with the help of Jessie.


The boys are having a concert in your town and you get to go. They are about to go on stage, and you are in the crowd ready for the fun.

"Louis you read to go on?", Harry asks Louis as he fixes his hair.

"Ready as I'll ever be, lets do this guys!", the five of the boys gather together in a huddle and put their hands in.

"Let's go!", Niall shouts and the five of them run out on stage.

They start the concert off with Best Song Ever and then do a few more before stopping to talk to the crowd and answer twitter questions. They look out at the crowed and Louis spots a girl a few rows back from the front holding up a sign with 'Liam is it really 10 inches? ' on it. Louis rolls his eyes, sometimes the fans can be really inappropriate he thinks and looks over at Liam, hopping  that he hadn't spotted it. Liam does see it and his face says it all.

"Liam are you okay mate?", Zayn speaks through the microphone.

Liam doesn't answer he still stares at the sign , all of the boys look at each other, concerned of what was going to happen next. The crowd grows a bit quiet, till Liam opens his mouth and speaks.

"What is this?! Liam is it really 10 Inches? Well I'd like to answer your question,", Liam pulls his pants and underwear down and reveals his privates. "no it is not, it's 11 you peasant! You see it, all of you Directioners, it is 11, are you happy now? You finally get to see the dick of Liam Payne, the all high and mighty 11 inch D! Not 10, but 11! Shocked I'm sure."

You stand in the front row in awe, not able to believe this was happening in front of your own eyes. Liam waddles around with his pants around his ankles and holds his thing in one hand and the microphone in the other. Camera flashes came from the crowed as the fans take picture after picture. You had already taken 33 pictures.

"Yes, fans, take pictures, tweet them , post them, let the world now that this", he points to it. "is not 10 inches but 11!"

He waddles towards Louis and Louis' eyes widen a bit. 

"And this,", he spins Louis around and pants him taking the underwear with them,  "this my friends is the perfect butt you all have been dying to see naked. You can thank me later. Yes I've already seen it naked, I have also touched it and it's better than you have ever dreamed of."

Louis' cheeks turn pink and he stands there not able to move. You start to scream and jump with joy. Niall and Harry stand  together shocked and snickering at what is happening, but  stop when Liam waddles over to them.

Liam pulls down Harry's pants and underwear like he did Louis and points to his thing, "You see this? It may be big but it is not as big as mine! Mine is 11 inches!",  more cameras flash one of them being yours. "Take lots and lots of pictures so you can remember that mine always beats! That's why I am always on top when the five of us hook up with each other."

Liam has lost it completely lost it, the boys think as Liam waddles around the stage so the fans can take pictures. The fans and you how ever think he is finally on the right track, and think why hadn't he had this breakdown sooner.

As Liam continues doing what he is doing Louis realizes that Liam handed done anything to Niall. Louis waddles over to Niall with his pants still at his ankles and pulls Niall's pants down and reveals Niall's bare skin and privates.

The crowd is completely mad, screaming and taking pictures and videos. You and other girls are crying because this was a dream come true. Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think this would actually happen. Through all the craziness Zayn some how snuck off, and you are disappointed. But after all you can't be that disappointed after all that is happening.

"Okay Liam it's time to stop now.", Louis tells Liam and tries to get him off stage. "I'm sorry guys but we are going to have to end this concert short, goodnight and umm yeah...", Louis speaks into the microphone.

Disappointed you and the crowd cry 'no' and 'please stay', other fans shout some perverted things, and you snicker. All the boys pull their pants up except for Liam who has to have Niall do it for him, he puts up a big fight not wanting to stop. Harry, Niall, and Louis work together and drag Liam off stage, leaving you and the crowd with an uncompleted concert and fulfilled dreams.

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