Catching him

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*when 1D comes to my state*

Zayn: *gets out of tour buss*

Me: *throws Little Mix album with string attached to it in middle of walk way*

Zayn: Oooo look a Little Mix album! *goes to pick it up*

Me: *pulls on string*

Zayn: *walks towards it* *tries to pick it up again*

Me: *pulls on string again*

Zayn: *picks it up* *looks up from ground*

Me: Hi Zayn *smirks*

Zayn: .....

Me: ......

Zayn: ......

Me: So first off I think I'll have you dress up as Veronica and we'll go from there.

Zayn: *mumbles* *wiggles around trying to break free from ropes*

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