Chapter 6

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Paris **

I laid on my bed writing a paper for school , my dad was away on business so i had the house to myself it was so peaceful.

Taye - "you home gorgeous?"

I blushed and looked at my phone thinking of a way to not sound so greedy

Paris- "yea can you come over ? Im kinda lonely"

I jumped up knowing she was gonna say yes and put my books away . I already took a shower so i was gonna go downstairs and make dinner.

It was about 8:23 when the doorbell rang , i opened and smiled mentally melting this girl was gorgeous even with her boyish ways.

"So you gonna let me in ma or not" i snapped out my trance laughing "oh sorry come in make yourself at home." I moved to the side watching her walk inside looking around impressed. "Beautiful home but not as beautiful as the person living in it " i smiled and hugged her "Thank you Im making dinner it should be done just relax " i said walking into the kitchen.

Taye **

When she asked me to come over oh yea i wasn't turning that down any alone time with Paris was well needed. When she told me she was cooking a nigga almost fell in love see even tho im skinny i love to eat!

Told yall she was wifey material

I sat on the couch looking at the picture book that sat in front of me. There was a man in alot of the pictures , he looked so familiar but where did i know him from? I closed the book as the came and told me dinner was ready. I walked in the dinning room with her and sat down as she sat next to be bringing her chair close to mine. We sat and ate and talked for hours but i had one question
"That guy in all those pictures who is he? " she looked at me confused . "Who my dad ? His name is David we look alike huh?" She smiled proudly I didnt even listen to the rest of what she said
David ..
David ..
Where did i know that name ? Then it hit me. I looked at her eating "David Jackson?" She looked up at me confused and gulped "Yea. You know my dad?" I sat back in my chair and rubbed my hands on my face then looked at her and put on a fake smile "Nah i just envy him , he's so known i always wanted to be like him" i said lying threw my teeth. Damn i would have to put a hold on that hit i had on him , it's Paris dad i cant hurt her like that... right?

Paris **

After she asked about my dad she started acting different. She probably didn't notice but i did , right now we were play fighting and she had her arms around my waist as i repeatedly hit her back. "Let go" i yelled laughing and bit her neck , she jumped and let me go smirking "you better stop thats my spot girl." She sat on the couch looking sad and i immediately felt bad "Taye? Im sorry" i wrapped my arms around her sitting on her lap , she looked up at me and smiled a weak smile i could feel little pinches on my butt and legs. She laughed as i got up and spanked me "You gone be mine soon" i smacked her head "yea right." I cuddled up in her arms and got the throw blanket off the couch and turned on a Kevin Hart Special.

I looked up at her and smiled then kissed her lips. I knew i was gonna fall asleep so i closed my eyes and soon my mind drifted away and i was in a deep comfortable sleep.

The next morning i woke up in my bed and Taye wasn't next to me , i sighed and got up. Turning on the shower i heard the smoke alarm go off i quickly turned the shower off and ran downstairs to see Taye with the broom trying to turn it off and a big smoke cloud surrounding the pan she cooked it. I laughed and threw what she cooked away , she smiled and hugged around my waist "im sorry i was trying to make you breakfast ma" i laughed "but instead you almost killed us both big step from breakfast just let me handle the cooking." She shrugged laughing and sat at the island on her phone texting i looked over at her and she kept her head buried in her phone i wonder who she's texting i thought getting jealous. Wait ? Me jealous thats impossible ! I'm THE Paris Jackson i get whatever i want and whoever i want . Do you know how many girls and guys want me? I laughed to myself and gave Taye her plate slamming it down so she would look up. Her head jerked up and she looked at me with dark eyes "The fuck?" She mumbled low
Me Jealous ?
Ha ! Yea right


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