Chapter 12

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David **

"Yo" i answered my phone putting the blunt i was smoking out

"Paris was shot come to the hospital"

I laughed "Man stop playing on my phone"

"No David she's really been shot" Jay said sounding serious

I jumped up leaving my phone and told Tiana my assistant to come on .

I got the call that my baby girl was in the hospital i knew exactly who's fault it was.

She claimed she wasn't going hurt Paris but now she's in the hospital bed.

I stormed thru the emergency room doors and saw all of Paris' family and friends.
Everyone hugged me and tried to calm me down telling me things were gonna be okay , But I was looking for that one person. Taye !

I looked around and spotted her next to Jay with my baby girls blood on her hands and clothes

"Get your bitch ass up"

She looked up at me and shook her head "Man i don't have time for you my girlfriend is back there fighting for her life im not about to do this. At least not here not now" i watched her get up and walk outside with her head held down.

I sat down and felt the tears coming , i just let them fall. She had to pull through this she just had to.

Jay **

After Paris' dad it was my turn to go see her. I walked in the room and felt sick to my stomach.

There she was MY best friend not even moving or saying anything
I sat on her bed and rubbed her hair
"Best Friend ?"

I waited

"Best Friend ?!"

Still no response

"Best Friend Come On Wake Up ! Please "

I put my face next to hers and cried

"Please wake up. I need you Paris"

I looked around the room and whispered in her ear

"I always had a crush on you Paris , i just didn't wanna ruin our friendship , you was always there for me no matter what I just hope you can hear me and you forget i said this. You would probably be laughing at me if you saw me crying"

I laughed a little and wiped my eyes then kissed her head

"Ill be back tomorrow okay? I Love You "

I sighed realizing she wasn't gonna answer back and walked past Taye in the hallway going to my car in tears.

Taye **

"Family of Paris Jackson " i ran inside as everyone stood up.

"Wow. Um is there a parent here?" The white doctor said.

David walked up to him "Sir your daughter is in intensive care she's in a coma , it could last days , months , even years. You may go see her but not all at once one or two at a time"
"Thank you" David said following the doctor.

It was a while before he came back and told his assistant he needed to go home. I got up and walked back there as everyone began to go home.

I peeked in the room and my heart dropped , there she laid with tubs and machines surround her.

I pulled a chair next to her bed and took her hand in mine

"Paris? Baby its me Taye. I hope you can hear me, everybody is taking this hard especially me. Please wake up i wanna treat you like you deserve to be treated baby"

I looked at her waiting for a response but nothing happened , i put my head down cried. I needed my baby back.

I woke up and Paris was still in the same position when i went to sleep. I got up and walked around the room thinking of what to do.

I had to get that Dana girl killed she wasn't gonna shoot my baby and just get away with it

I got my phone and sent Roy a text

"Yo i need you to hack Paris phone and find some bitch named Dana and kill her"

He messaged back a simple "okay" and i knew now things would be handled.

I sat back down on the chair and rubbed Paris hand just admiring her beauty.

Even with the scars covering her face and machines hooked all over her she still looked flawless.


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