Chapter 4: No Harm Love

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-Harry's POV-

I follow Lou towards the front of the bar... hoping her friend hasn't left yet. We navigate through the crowd of people until Lou nudges me with her elbow and points towards a large table with five people surrounding it. I can hear their loud chatter from here.

We walk up directly behind the loudest woman at the table. Her black hair is pulled up off her neck, her white cottan dress is simple but obviously expensive.

"Freya!" Lou calls to her friend.

As she gets up from her seat and turns towards us, I notice a small butterfly tattoo on her upper arm. Interesting. I wonder if Ava has any tattoos. I wouldn't mind doing some exploring to find out.

When Freya sees Lou she instantly flashes us a brilliant smile.

"Louise Darling! Come here, you absolutly must meet my friends!" She pulls Lou towards the table.

"Lovelies, this is Louis Teasdale, hair and makeup extrodinaire!"

All four of her friends give their hellos and nice to meet you's.

Glancing past Lou, Freya's eyes meet mine. "Harry Styles! I finally meet one of Lou's closest friends. Come here darling!"

I walk up next to Lou and give everyone at the table a smile and a nod hello.

"It's lovely to meet you Harry! I must say it's not everyday we get to mingle with a celebrity!"

Lou coughs, obviously trying to hide her laughter. I not to keen on being referred to as 'a celebrity'. But she's Ava's friend, so there's no way in hell I'm letting on how I feel about her comment.

"It's lovely to meet you as well. Heard some of your old Uni stories from Lou. You two were quite the pair. Complete trouble makers and heartbreakers." I give her a wink and a large smile before embracing her in a hug.

"My my Harry Styles, aren't you a cheeky chap!" She eyes me up and down. "Positively delicious."

I can feel the heat in my cheeks as I once again hear Lou coughing. This time failing to hide her laugh.

I shoot her a glare then look down and clear my throat. "Thank you?"

"Pleasure's all mine darling. Well now that we have properly met I can introduce you to my friends as well. Friends this.." she waves her hands in front of me "is Harry Styles!" Freya introduces me like I'm some short of bloody show pony.

I try to brush off my annoyance, but Im failing.

Think of something else...

Mmmmm Ava's legs.

A smile spreads across my face. I look at four people around the table, directing my smile towards them, inwardly chuckling.

"Lou and Harry, these are my fabulous friends! This is Olivia!" She points to the small woman next to her, who greets us with a shy smile and a quite hello. She's wearing black jeans and a black and white striped jumper. Her light brown hair is cut into a very short pixie. Normally I don't fancy this look on girls, but it suits her very well. She has a simple, but very pretty face. I can tell her smile is genuine, and she seems very friendly. Niall would think she's adorable.

Freya continues on "Next to Olivia is Finn, our resident baby of the group." Finn blushes but then stands and gives Lou a hug and kiss on the cheek hello. He gives me a strong handshake. "Lovely to meet you both. My little sister is a huge fan of your's Harry."

"Great! Well tell her I said hello."

Finn glances to Lou, then back to me. Suddenly he looks very unsure of himself. "I hate to ask but do you think I could get a photo with you? She'll go mad when I send it to her"

Almost Lover (Harry Styles) - Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz