Chapter 46: Heartbreak All Over Again

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-Ava's POV-

Harry's head snaps towards Scott, narrowing his eyes at him.

He looks back at me and where I expect to see confusion I only see anger. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are black as he stands up. I try to speak but I can't, only able to just watch as he heads down the hallway towards Scott.

"So you're Kelsey's little prick of a boyfriend. How do you like my sloppy seconds?" Scott asks as Harry nears him.

"Scott?" Harry questions him.

Scott nods right before Harry's fist makes contact with his jaw. I know the hit was hard when Harry shakes out his hand as Scott spits out a mouth full of blood.

Harry looks back at me and I assume he's done, but he turns back towards Scott and hits him again.

Paul doesn't move to stop him and I don't see the other member of security anywhere. Lou grips my shoulder and we all just watch, frozen, as Harry hits him again and again. Harder and harder till he knocks him off his chair and onto the floor. I can see the blood on Harry's hand from where I sit along with the smug look on Scott's face.

Paul finally moves, trying to pull Harry off of him.

Harry manages to push him away and grabs the collar of Scott's shirt, lifting him up so he can hit him again. The other member of security shows up and him and Paul manage to pull Harry away.

"You ever touch her again and I swear I will fucking kill you!" Harry screams, finally breaking his silence.

Scott laughs, blood smeared across his face and his arms pinned behind his back. He actually laughs.

"Your boyfriend has quite the left hook Kelsey." He says, looking down the hallway at me. "To bad he wasn't there for you when I used beat the shit out of you every night."

He looks back at Harry and smiles, "Now those were good times."

Harry lunges at him but is held back. "You fucking bastard!"

I don't know what comes over me, but I stand up and head down the hallway towards them. Lou tries to grab my arm but I yank it free. I stop right in front of Scott, looking down at him on the floor in front of me. So many memories come rushing back to me. Love, betrayal, loss, hurt, and pain all cloud my mind.

He looks up at me, "What are you going to do Kelsey? Hit me? Call the cops? You know they won't touch me. You throw me in jail tonight and I'll be on my jet flying back to New York by morning. I'm untouchable. You can't hurt me."

I narrow my eyes at him before kicking him hard in the crotch. I decide to do it once more for good measure. He cries out in pain, tears stinging his eyes.

"Looks like I can hurt you."

I look at Harry who has a small smile on his face before I turn and walk down the hallway.

"My wife said to tell you hi." Scott chokes out, "Ally really does miss you."

I freeze.

"You asshole!" Harry yells, trying again to break free from the hold Paul has on him.

Scott laughs, "Congratulate me Kelsey!"

I know I should walk away but I can't. I turn around and my eyes meet his.

He smiles when he sees he has my full attention. "We just had a beautiful baby girl. Maddie. Lovely name isn't it?"

I cover my mouth with my hands trying to hold back my sobs. That's what he wants, to see that he has broken me.

Harry breaks free from Paul and jumps on top of him, hitting him over and over again.

"Harry!" My scream is muffled by my hands, but he hears me and immediately stops, looking up at me.

I try to say something else, but I can't. I'm not yelling at him cause I want him to stop, I'm yelling because I need him.

He looks into my eyes and he knows. I don't know how but he knows.

He drops Scott back down onto the ground and walks over to me wrapping his arms around me. I bury my head in his chest and he clutches me tighter. I don't know how long we stand there, him just holding me, until Lou puts her hand on my shoulder.

"He's gone. Paul has taken him downstairs." She says softly. "We should really get you cleaned up Ava."

I nod, no longer feeling anything. No pain, anger, sadness, or hurt; nothing.

"I have an extra bed in my room, she can just stay with me tonight." Lou offers.

Harry shakes his head. "No."

"Harry I really think that's probably what would be best."

"Bullshit." He shakes his head again. "She's staying with me."

Lou sighs and gives me a tight hug before heading towards her room.

Harry takes my hand and leads me to his. I follow him in and stop, standing in the middle of the room.

"Ava." He says softly, placing his hands on my cheeks.

I look away from him, "I-I need my th-things."

He nods, "I'll be right back."

He walks out of the room and I go into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I walk over to the sink and stare at my reflection in the mirror. But I don't see Ava looking back at me.

I see Kelsey. The girl who always had a busted lip and a dark circle around her eye. The girl who was always afraid. I hate her.

I look away from the mirror, not being able to face my former self any longer. I take off my heels and then unzip my ripped dress, letting it fall to the floor. I pull my underwear down my legs and turn on the shower before stepping inside.

I pull the curtain closed and let the water run over me, hoping to wash Scott off of me. I scrub relentlessly at my skin, but it's no use, he still here. I try to suppress my thoughts but I can't.


The pain overwhelms me as I place my hands on my stomach, remembering the feeling of having her growing inside me.

I feel faint, so I sit down in the tub. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and drop my head down.

The sound of my sobbing fills the room making me feel small and alone.


I look up to find Harry standing over me. I didn't even hear him come in. The pain and tears in his eyes only make me cry harder.

He kneels down next to the tub and leans over, wrapping his arms around me. His shirt gets soaked, but he doesn't move.

It feels like an eternity passes before he finally leans back and pushes the wet hair away from my face.

"Please tell me what to do Ava." He pleads, his eyes red from sharing my pain.

He looks down at my arms, which are red from me scrubbing them.

"I-I can't get him off me." I whisper.

He nods his head and stands up. He turns the dial on the shower, warming up the water that had gone cold. He holds his hand out to me and I take it, letting him pull me to my feet.

I'm now standing in front of him naked and I don't even care.

I feel safe.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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