Chapter 22: The Not So Great Escape

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-Ava's POV-

Thankfully, I've managed to avoid everyone most of the day so far.

Niall texted me around 9:30, wanting to meet for breakfast of course. I told him I would have to pass but I would meet up with him later.

Around 10, Lou and Eleanor knocked on my door. No doubt wanting to discuss last night with me. I had heard talking in hushed voices for the past hour. I told them I wasn't feeling well so they left me alone so I could stay in bed and rest.

I got texts from both Liam and Zayn a little before 11. They wanted me to meet up with them at the hotel pool. They know I never go to the pool with any of them, I'm far to self conscious and there's far to many people that take pics of them lounging around a pool. So I just stuck with the same excuse that I always give them, that I prefer to swim at night, when the pool isn't crowded.

Louie had called me three times before noon. I just ignored the calls, not wanting to have to explain myself to him. And I defiantly don't want another one of his lectures.

Harry hasn't tried to get ahold of me at all. I half expected him to show up at my room last night after how many times he tried to call me, but he didn't. I figured he would try to text me this morning at least, but he hasn't done that either.

I'm relieved, but I'm also a little worried. This isn't like him. Maybe he thinks it was a mistake too. That would make my life a lot easier. It would, wouldn't it? My mind is such a mess right now I'm not sure.

Around 1pm, I decide I need to finally drag myself out of bed. After taking a much needed long hot shower, I blow out my hair and put on a little makeup. Riffling through my closet I come up with my outfit for the day; jean shorts, a vogue t-shirt, and a light cardigan. I slip on my toms and grab my bag.

I need food ASAP. I check the time before heading out the door. 1:50. The boys have to be at sound check at 4 so if I head out now, I can still be gone when they leave.

Now I just have to make it out of the hotel without them seeing me. I don't want anyone asking me about last night till I really know how I feel about it myself. And I know the guys will be all over me about it the second they see me. None of them can keep their mouths shut, so I'm sure they all know by now. And no doubt they are more than willing to give me their opinion on the subject.

I'm relieved to find the hallway empty as I head towards the elevator. The doors open and the elevator is empty as well. Yes! After riding down to the lobby I hesitantly step out, only to find a few random people standing around. I quickly make my way outside and take a deep breath of fresh air before I turn and head down the street toward the nearest cafe.

I'm barely past the front of the hotel when I hear my name being yelled. Suddenly I'm surrounded by about a dozen men with cameras. I don't know what to do as the cameras continuously flash in my face and question after question is hurled at me. I throw my hands up in front of my face as I try to keep walking.

"Ava, are you and Harry dating!?

"Ava, did you stay the night with Harry last night!?"

"Tell us Ava, is Harry good in bed!?"

"Give us a picture!"

"Over here Ava!"

"Do you have any advice for the fans on how to get Harry's attention!?"

"Ava, look this way!"


I try to push past them but they have me blocked in.

"Please, just let me go." I plead them, but that only causes them to yell louder.

I begin to search for my phone so I can call someone for help. I go through all my pockets and my bag and it's nowhere to be found. I must have left it in my room.

Almost Lover (Harry Styles) - Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon