Chapter 16: Falling

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-Ava's POV-

It's been two weeks since I've been on the road with the boys. Today is a Monday, and the first whole day we all actually have off. There's no concert scheduled, no interviews, nothing.

I chose to celebrate by starting my day in the jacuzzi tub in my hotel room. While soaking in the lavender bubbles I can't help but think over the past two weeks. The past two insane weeks.

I'm really amazed at how well the boys deal with what they call 'life on the road'. It's nonstop. Everyday is about the same routine, but it's a crazy one.

They wake up about mid morning, have breakfast, go over the schedule for the day, and then have a late lunch. After that is some free time, unless they have any interviews lined up. Then its on to the venue to have sound check, and wait for the concert to begin.

We usually stay in hotels at night, unless we need to get to the next venue right away, and then we sleep on the bus.

I tend to meet up with the guys for breakfast down in the lobby of whatever hotel we are staying in at the time. Well I meet up with all of them except Harry, who we all have to take turns dragging out of bed.

I try to spend their free time in the afternoons just getting to know them. Finding out their likes, hates, loves, what makes them tick. That usually gives me a few ideas I write down while they are doing sound check.

After sound check is when they just hang out at the venue until its time for them to get ready to go on after the opening act. This is when we usually go over some lyrics or melodies we have all been working on. How they have time to think up either is beyond me. But I put what is in their heads down on paper and I take it from there.

While the boys are on stage, I spend my time with Lou. We get along really well. Sometimes we watch them perform and sometimes we just head back to the hotel and wait for them, so I can work on some music.

When everyone is back at the hotel after the concert they try to wind down, hyped up from tens of the thousands of girls screaming at them for hours no doubt.

One thing I wasn't prepared for was the chaos that is the boys themselves. It is absolute ridiculousness at all times.

Louie and Zayn seemed to have made it their mission in life to torment me. So far they have replaced all my hair products with mayo, my body wash with cottage cheese, glued the heels of several pairs of my shoes together, and replaced the contents of my dr pepper bottle with pickle juice. I'm terrified just waiting for what they are going to do next.

Liam has become my defender, mainly against the antics of Zayn and Louis, and has helped me plot and carry out my revenge against them several times.

Niall and I are now 'eating buddies', a term he deemed worthy of me once he found out I also loved ketchup and basically any other form of food. I'll randomly get texts throughout the day of what he has planned for us to experience, yes experience, for dinner that evening.

Harry is.. well Harry is Harry.

We have become really good friends like he knew we would. We talk endlessly about everything, but there is still awkward silences where I find him staring at me, which then makes me unable to talk. But really, who would be able to form complete sentences with Harry Styles watching you with a dimpled smirk on his face? And I have to admit I have been caught staring at him once or twice too.

He has made me his guinea pig for trying out his never ending stream of horrible jokes. He loves that I laugh at all of them, even though I tell him what's funny is that he actually thinks his jokes are hilarious.

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