Chapter 4: Xavier

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Me, Jacob, Riley, Cole and Noah walked into the park through the creeky metal gate. The air was bitter and lashed my skin when the wind blew. The street lights could only light so much, making the park lowly lit.

"Welcome to the park." I announced to Noah, who looked very worried.
"I don't do drugs or smoke or drink..." Noah rambled.
Jacob laughed, "Neither do we. Well, we do drink sometimes but we don't do drugs or smoke, that's nasty."

Noah's relief was visible through the puff of smoke that drifted out if his mouth. We sat on the swings talking about random crap until awkwardly Taylor's name was brought up.

"So what happened?" Cole questioned. Everyone's head turned to my direction.
"Why do you all think it's me."
"Because your the one to always do stupid shit or say things that annoy us." Riley answered.
"True, but it wasn't my fault. This time."
"What did you do?" Cole raised his eyebrow. He always knew something was up, with his nosey little self.

"I was basically explaining how Jacob is kinder than me and he would point out errors, whereas I wouldn't. I then brought up a list of embarrassing things that happened to her and I never said anything, which was personally very funny for me. I then mentioned a time she had period blood on her leggings only to realise that didn't previously happen and it was today. She tried to get angry at me but I then told I wasn't the only to realise. She was probably angry because you guys said jack shit."

When I'd finished my little story all their faces looked shocked, not the face I would've wanted to see.

Cole yelled, "It was your fault, now she's going to be angry at all of us for ages. You unshapened crust."
"Harsh much. It's actually you guys' fault for saying jack."
"No Cayden it's your fault for not caring about her feelings. You should've been a good friend and told her. Your the only other girl in this group and it would be highly awkward if we were to point it out to her. The fact you still don't realise it's your fault shows how inconsiderate you are." Jacob said standing up from the swing.

"Alright." I grumbled.
"No it's not alright because she thinks we are all bad friends. You just don't give a shit to care about her feelings." Jacob continued.

I looked up, from twiddling my thumbs, at everyone's face it was a mix of anger, annoyance and focus. I felt conscious of how bad Taylor must've felt and I was sorry for her.

"What do you think Noah." I asked out of interest as I wanted to know what he thought of the situation.
"Well.." he began, "I think-"
Before he could finish or even start we were interrupted by the annoying echo of the gate opening and a loud shout.

"Hey you bastards, can I join your circle time?!"

Xavier Campbell walked in with his gang close behind. Leader of X-knights. He was our rival, arch nemesis, enemy and any other word for someone you despise. Though Xavier tried to think he owned and ruled everywhere, he really didn't, and would fight any other gang who threatened him and his puppies. Bare in mind a gang can just be a group of people, we aren't a gang.

Ever since two years ago when we beat him in a street fight we've been his main target of ambush. We weren't scared but our lives were in danger when he was around.
Again, we weren't a gang like his, we somehow had a reputation and dabbled a bit in gambling here and there over fights. Unlike his gang, we didn't sell drugs or weapons. We all stood up except Noah who meekly stayed seated.

"Xavier, I see you unfortunately haven't changed a bit. By the way it wasn't a circle it was more of a line. You need to go back to college." I smirked.
"Hey Cay." He always tried to nickname me, "I don't need college, it was shit anyway. I don't even know why you guys are still in it."

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