Chapter 34: Husband and Wife

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This should be the last chapter guys, hope you enjoyed the book!


Cayden's POV

When I told my friends that I was joining a gang it was one of the hardest things for me to say. That was a month ago. I struggle to act like everything is okay and they feel the same too. This is my fault 100% and I felt so guilty. I haven't even told dad or Caleb. My A-Levels were nearly over and I was realising that I was going to be leaving very soon.

I wanted to tell them that it was because I was being threatened which is the main reason as to why I'm joining. My mum said if I didn't join she would kill my dad. As much as she is nice there was something so sinister about her. She had no compassion and for her to say she'd kill her ex-husband hurt.

I was going to host my first and last party on Saturday as a way to say to celebrate me leaving. No one other than my friends would be aware of its real purpose. I just wanted to do something before I left and lift up the mood between all of us.

I had bought more than enough snacks and I told everyone else to bring alcohol because I couldn't be asked to buy any on top of snacks. I wasn't so focused on my outfit until Taylor warned me it would be the last time anyone would see me dressed nicely. So we decided to go shopping. We went to Westfields as Taylor suggested in search of a nice outfit.

We didn't end up finding a dress but to my suprise there was already one at the house. In a pretty black box with a white bow and a rose on top was a right red satin wrap dress with a note saying Noah. I grinned excitedly at his cuteness and his generosity. I was not expecting anything from him so to get a beautiful dress I was more than happy.

I called Noah immediately.

"Aww baby you didn't have to buy me a dress." I spoke as soon as the call connected.
"But I wanted to. I heard how you were unsuccessful in finding one and I have had this for you for a while." His soft voice spoke.
"Thank you so much, I love it."
"Really? I thought you would've hated it because you hate dresses."
"Don't get me wrong I do but I love this one. You picked the right one."
"With a little help from my mum..." he admitted.
I giggled. Yes, giggled. This guy was changing me into a giggler but I liked it.

We talked for 2 hours before I realised it was 11pm and I needed to wake up early tomorrow. I was so tired and I knew I would need all the energy I could get. I had an exam in the afternoon and I didn't want to lose focus or fall asleep.

Luckily, Noah helped me revise and gave me last minute tricks before the test. This was the second to last exam before it was all over. I pushed back the thoughts of me leaving and enjoyed the times with my friends. When it ended I was ready to go home but Noah had another agenda.

"I have to run an errand for my mum and I think it will be more fun if you came."
I agreed with uncertainty because I didn't know where we were going but I followed anyway. I unknowingly walked with him straight to a fun fair covered with rides, games and lights. Everything was bright, big and beautiful.

"I know your mum did not ask you to come here." I started.
"We are here for our first date." He smiled.
My mouth dropped, "What!? Right now... You should've warned me to at least dress nicer."
"You would've still worn the same thing and I wanted for suprise you. Suprise!"
I laughed, "This place looks amazing. Like a hot version winter wonderland."
"My uncle works with this company and I had to just ask and we got free tickets."
I gave him hug to show my appreciation.

The sun wasn't down yet but thee rides still glistened and the sky plastered a deep purple. Noah just walked through without going to the tickets section but I didn't question it. I was so mesmorisized by everything I couldn't pick where to go first. Noah ended up choosing the water gun game, where you had to fill up the tube with as much water as possible to get a prize.

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