Chapter 10: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

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I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for an answer. I got none. I tried again but still got no response. I was slightly worried that he may of passed out or something. I rang the doorbell longer before taking my phone out to call him. It rang repetivitly until it was finally answered.


I was a bit confused as the answer sounded like it came from two directions. I spun around and Noah was standing there with his phone to his face. He was wearing a black jacket, a white t-shirt and teal jeans. But he had no cuts, bruises or injuries.

He was fucking fine.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.
I had no answer, what was I doing here? "I was going to check if you were okay but it seems that I was lied to. So I'm just going to go."
"Wait. Please don't leave. Talk to me."
"I don't want to talk."
"Cayden, then why were you here if you didn't what to talk to me?"
"For fuck sake. Cole told me you were injured by Xavier so I came to check if you were okay."

I had no clue why I was being so hard and stubborn with him. I should be saying sorry.

Noah smiled showing his braceless teeth, "Aww, you came to check on me? Your turning soft. Now tell me why you got angry at me in your house."
"I was embarresed, okay. That's all I'm telling you. Now are you going to let me in or not? I'm cold."

Noah flashed another cute smile before walking to me and hugging me tightly. My arms were sandwiched to my side but I didn't know where to put my thoughts. His warmth left me as he opened the door, I slowly trailed behind. Shutting the door, I followed him to the kitchen. I sat on a chair by the island and Noah rumaged in the fridge.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.
"I don't mind... actually I think you should get a gym membership."
"What why?" He turned on his heels to face me.
"To exercise? Why else? I think it would be good for you to get some....muscle. You can't fight Leo if your weaker, can you."
"I want to be able to defend myself against him. So where to now?"


Noah's POV

"It will be £25 for a membership card." The lady in the sports uniform smiled sheepishly behind the counter of Active Gym Centre. Her hair was tied into a neat bun and you could clearly see she had make-up on. She had crystal blue eyes that stared at me waiting for an answer. I didn't mind paying but before I could respond Cayden did.

"What do we look like, cash machines?"
I internally slapped my head wishing I could just cover her mouth for a second.
"Well, we do have a discount deal. It will be £10 for the both of you collectively. So you can get fit as a couple." She smiled.

Once again I mentally slapped myself, "We aren't in a relationship, just friends."
"Oh really?" The lady smiled creepily behind the counter, "Well you can still both go together."
I looked at Cayden who looked fed up already she rolled her eyes before saying, "Yeah, okay. We'll take it."

The lady walked off to get the membership cards.

"She's a bitch. I can tell." Cayden growled.
"Hey, that's rude. How do you know that?"
"Did you see how her face change when you said we werent in a relationship?"
Cayden had a point, she turned very sexualised after I said that.
"Fine you have a point but what did you want me to say? Yes, we are in a relationship."
Cayden gagged, "Ew no."

Before I could reply the woman came back with two blue shiny cards, "Here you guys go. If you pay now then you'll be sorted."

I took out my card because I knew Cayden wasn't going to pay for anything. After the transaction we got handed our cards.

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