Part 5 Hidden Love

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Thank you guys so much I'm surprised on how many reads my book has gotten recently. I'm sorry for not updating. I'm not going to make up some sob story or something but thank for even getting me almost 100 reads my original goal was going to be 20 reads or something.

Lance's POV

I woke up gasping from a nightmare. I looked around and I remembered where I was. 'Its ok I'm just in Keith's room.' I tell myself. I look down to find keith laying on me peacefully sleeping. "Omg who blessed me with this cuteness." I whisper. As I study keith I see he has such poofy hair and ears. So I reach down and rub behind one of his ears and almost instantly he purrs loudly. A few seconds later he lifts his head up and yawns like a kitten. And opens his eyes.

Keith's POV

I wake up to some rubbing my ears I lift my head up and yawn. I open my eyes to see lance looking at me with a huge blush on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that." I grumbled.

"You just yawned like a little kitten." He says smirking.

"No I did not." I huff and fold my arms while sitting up.

"Ok, ok." He puts his hands up in defeat.

"You should go before someone comes by the door." I say while grumbling.

"Ok, I will get going then and go in my room for a few minutes and then join you for breakfast." He says while pecking me on my lips and leaves for his room.

I get out of bed and get dressed in my regular jeans, gray shirt, and red and white jacket. 'Wait what about my ears and tail, maybe everyone will be ok with it and plus I cant hide my tail very well with how fluffy it is.' I think. I walk out of my room and head toward the dining area. Once I get past all the winding halls I walk up to the door take a deep breath and walk in. Once I walk into the dining area and immediately everyone stares at me "goodmorning." I mumble while I look down and sit in my chair.

"Um keith why is your tail so fluffy." Hunk says with a huge smile.

"It is not fluffy." I say as I fold my arms and pout.

"Keith it looks just like a cat tail and it is very fluffy." Shiro says with a smirk.

Then I feel a hand on my rubbing behind my ear, I close my eyes and lean into it. Then i feel it stop I suppress a whine and open my eyes to find everyone looking at me with a surprised look their face well all but alura. "What." I say.

"You just purred and from lance petting you." Pidge says while smiling.

"No I did not." I say impatiently to find everyone petting my ears. I try not to lean in but I feel a rumbling in my throat and sweat their hands away.

"Ok, that's enough of bothering keith we should stry training now." Alura says with a blank expression.

We all get up and head to the training room. Once we get their Alura starts talking.

"Ok, palidens we will do an exercise where there will teams of two and one of those two people will be doing an invisable mase the other person will be guiding you through the mase and only they can see the mase." Alura says with excitement.  

"Ok here are the pairs." Coran says. "Pidge,hunk, and shiro because we are uneven and finally lance and keith." Coran finishes.

"What!" Me and lance yell at the sametime.

"Why him he is stupid and rude." I say sarcastically.

"Well back at you keith and I am not stupid or rude." He says sarcastically.

"Ok that's enough!" Shiro says "I guess we will be starting with you two then." He says.

Time skip 5 minutes

I'm in the beginning of the mase and lance is up by the window.

"Go right 3 steps." He says.

I move and wait for the next direction

"Move straight (ya they are not straight)
6 steps and turn right 1 step." He says

I move forward and keep going right one step.

"Ok next go left 3 steps and keep moving forward and you are home free." He says with a smile.

I follow his directions and end up out of the mase in 20 seconds.

"Yes, we did it." He says while coming down and high fives me.

I turn and see suprised faces "What are you jealous we can actually work together." I say with a smirk. They fall out of their trance and work on the mase once in a while one of them hit a wall but they finish in 25 seconds. After trading me and lance rush out of the hallway and kiss each other, me a little bad but that is only because I'm inexperienced in kissing. He licks my bottom lip then he bites it making me gasp then he sticks his tongue in my mouth with make me pull away and look at him with surprise. Then we hear whispers. I turn to see everyone looking at us with suprise. "Uhhhhhh hi." I say quickly and I grab Lance's arm and we run to my room and lock the door. After kissing for awhile we decided to skip dinner and go to sleep.

Ok hope you liked this chapter today and I will make another one soon. Please comment my mistakes and vote please. And if this story reaches 70 reads I will do face reveal.


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