Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven:

"Just to be clear . . . you're going to bed wearing Bryce's sweatshirt after you broke up with him the night before?" Jasmine asks me as soon as I sit up in bed in the morning.

"It wasn't a breakup because we weren't together," I remind her, wrapping my arms tight around myself.

Jasmine lets out a small sigh as she gathers some clothes and makeup in her arms, heading for the dorm's door.

"I'll be back," she informs me before opening the door, stepping outside and then slamming it shut.

Now alone in the room, I figure that I should probably begin getting ready as well. I climb out of bed, rummaging around in bag for a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt other than Bryce's.

I change out of my pajamas and into the fresh clothing, then heading over to the desk to apply some makeup. I throw my hair up into a ponytail before packing up all my things, making the bed too in hopes of returning the room to its previous state.

I decide to tuck Bryce's sweater into the bag with my clothing as well, really hoping that he won't ask for me to give it back to him.

I place it underneath the rest of my clothes, packing away my belongings before zipping both of my bags shut.

I check my phone for the first time since I've woken up, happy to see that it's only 6:42 in the morning, meaning that I have awhile before I have to be downstairs for breakfast.

Jasmine comes walking back into the room, quickly shoving all of her things into one bag. I have no clue how she packed so little, but it means that she can get ready to leave quickly.

She's ready to go in only a little more than a minute, and together we head out of the room and down the stairs.

As soon as we join everyone else outside, we give our key cards to one of the teachers before heading to our bus.

I drop one of my bags off to be stored in the underneath of the vehicle before Jasmine and I board. We claim two seats near the back by setting our bags down there, and she must have read me well enough to know that there's no way I'm sitting next to Bryce for multiple hours after the events of last night.

We then step back into the courtyard where we find Mateo, Daniel, Charlie, and Ryan standing huddled together.

My brother waves us over and we rush to join them, where Charlie is quick to rest a hand on the small of Jasmine's back.

Daniel's eyes seem to widen as he does this, but when Jasmine looks up at Charlie she has a smile on her face.

All of a sudden there's quite the commotion as Bryce and Jordan come walking into the courtyard together.

They're arguing awfully loud, almost to the point of yelling, even as they step up onto the bus to drop their things.

When they emerge, Bryce is shaking his head in frustration as Jordan keeps rambling from behind him.

They seem to spot us because they're now headed towards the group, Bryce stopping right beside me.

"Can you shut the hell up already?" Bryce hisses to Jordan, and Jordan's eyes dart from me and back to him.

"I'm just telling you the truth, buddy," Jordan snorts, and Bryce's eyes narrow.

I'm scared for a moment that he's going to hit Jordan, but our eyes meet and he seems to calm down.

"This is exactly why I don't tell you anything, Thompson. Could you please save this conversation for another time?" Bryce whispers, only really loud enough for Jordan and I to hear.

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