Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Chapter Sixty-Seven:

I was totally correct; I spent all of the rest of the night apologising profusely to Bryce, but he seemed okay with it all for some reason.

He kept insisting that it was fine, and he was just glad that we no longer had to hide anything from my parents. I could tell that he was still a little upset about the whole situation, but he didn't let it show one bit, not even as he walked out the door to get home for the night.

We're holding hands right now, standing in front of all our friends, back to the lockers.

It's crazy to know that the eight of us aren't going to be together anymore after this year; Bryce and I will be in New York City, Mateo got into Western, so he'll be moving to London, Ontario, and everyone else has plans on attending different universities across our city.

"So . . . did you get in?" Jordan asks, teetering on his heels as he stands there, awaiting an answer.

I bite my lip, feeling excited all over again about Juilliard.

I nod at him, and Jordan gets a huge smile on his face, stepping forward and pulling me into a hug.

Bryce lets out a huff as the embrace forces him to drop my hand, but I ignore him as I squeeze Jordan back.

"Hell yeah! Good job!" he congratulates me as he pulls away.

I beam at him, just as Jasmine practically pushes him out of the way to get to me.

"You talented bitch! I'm super proud of you. I can't believe you're ditching me here though," she says, giving me a brief hug before stepping back beside my brother.

"I'll text you everyday. But on the bright side, we still have almost three months all together. Might as well make the most of them," I get to say, right before the bell rings, signalling that we should all make our way to class.

Jasmine groans, but she quickly grabs Daniel's hand to drag him away to the class that they have together first period, giving me a wave as she leaves. Mateo and Ryan head off too, both of them giving me a quick, "Congrats, Lexi!" as they leave.

"And then there were four," Charlie chuckles, glancing around at Bryce, Jordan, and I. I'm not sure which class him and Jordan have right now, but Bryce and I have cooking which means we need to start heading towards the kitchen soon.

"I'm still pissed at you, Charles. You knew about your parents' stupid ass game this whole time and you didn't bother saying anything to your sister?" Bryce suddenly cuts in, reaching down to wrap his arm around my waist so that he can pull me close.

Charlie gives him an apologetic shrug, but doesn't manage to respond before Jordan cuts in, asking, "What game? What did I miss?"

Neither of the boys seem to have any intention to respond to Jordan, and so I turn to him instead.

"My parents were apparently betting on when they though Bryce and I would get together. If that wasn't bad enough, my dad was a total jerk and interrogated Bryce like crazy afterwards after asking him to stay for dinner. It was madness," I explain.

Jordan's eyes go wide as if he can't believe that I'm being serious.

"Damn, really. They weren't mad about you two like you thought they would be though, were they?" he says, and I shake my head at him.

"You know, they first started betting on dates after the night Bryce and Leo came over for dinner. Mom only thought it would take a week, and Dad guessed a month. They were both clearly way off, so Mom ended up betting April and Dad went for before the end of March. Now, before either of you murder me, I'm just gonna quietly head off to class," Charlie says, before doing as he said and scurrying off down the hallway.

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