79- We need to Talk

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There's beauty in this life of mine,

They cursed me for being different,

They criticised me for mere mistakes,

They blew out my dreams like candles,

They threw stones at my broken heart,

They shattered the glass of trust I gave them,

They left me alone to lick my salted wounds,

They misunderstood my intentions,

They rejected me for my dreamy eyed nature,

And spurned me away, unseen and unsupported,

But believe me, Sri Hari, those were the days,

That were most beautiful in all my lives,

Because it made me rely on You, and only You.

It made me love You all the more, each night.

While tears dropped and sleep was far away,

And the never ending nights seemed to go on and on.

I'd feel a whisper of silk and a scent of Basil,

And looking across, I'd find You lounging,

On the footboard of my bed, cross legged,

With that mysterious hint of a teasing smile,

And You'd say, Your voice honeyed like thunder,

"We need to talk, and finally someone is free."

Tears would slip down hearing those words,

Because even during those sleepless, ugly,

Nights, You were there always for me.

And I'd ask You, "Aren't You a God, Kanha?"

"Don't You have better things to do, or save?"

And You'd simply give me that innocent smile.

And that brings me back to my question,

Who are You, Narayan? Who art thou?

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