A/N: Acknowledgements

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Yes. That marks the end of this series of poetry.


True that it was indeed a long journey for me as an amateur poet. And this is a huge milestone psychologically, mentally and spiritually as well.

And ofcourse, pride and a sense of satisfaction is what overwhelms my thoughts at this instant.

A saga it was. From a quirky, lightheaded, easily misunderstanding teen to a thoughtful, dreamy, considering woman. This one year, from 12th February 2019 to 12th February 2020, was not just a year of poetry, but a year of so many changes and so many realisations that mostly remained an inspiration to all of my poems. There were days when I'd try writing poetry a hundred times only to backspace everything and leave the pages as blank as my brain. And there were the others when a few minutes would be more than enough to put down the loveliest quadruplets in strings.

Exactly one year. For a hundred poems (well, well, ninety nine in this case)

And what I learnt from this "not so coincidental coincidence" of me publishing the last poem on the first birthday of this brain child of mine is that some things are meant to be. Whether you like it or not, it's the decision of fate and a play of time. But, what is in your hands is your courage to accept life as it is and smile at the game of life.

*face palms*

Sorry for that rambling advice. I got a little too sentimental. *giggles*

And yes! For all those who think that this is the end of my poetry, you are in for a surprise!!!


I hereby, officially announce my second book, which will come out on.....*dramatic silence*.....*Dhirana dhirana dhirana*.....14th February 2020.....*winks* again a 'not so coincidental coincidence'.


I am definitely not giving any clue about the book. Wait for 48 hours.

*sticks tongue out*

And I think it is time to acknowledge all the support and love I received from every reader.

Seriously guys, I love you. Every comment and vote verily made my days and was an inspiration to keep writing more and more.

Jayakkanha: Believe me, Didi, if I have to thank one person for being with me throughout this journey of poetry; it is none other than you. For reading and commenting on every poem. And for being an amazing didi as well. *giggles*

 dreamer_1602: Sweetie, yes! Your comments always made me smile and bloomed a new flower of love within me.

srijitabhattacharya There you come! The long lost sister from Dwapara. And to be honest, you were the very inspiration behind this entire book. Your 'Radha's Krishna' was the spark that started this fire of poetry. Many thanks and hugs to you, sis.

MadhavaPriyaa ; Aha! I know you aren't online. But as and when You read this, I hope you laugh at this mad little sister's antics. *laughs* And I am your sister. That explains everything. And yet nothing. *mischievous smile* Isn't it? Hmmmm.... You do remember, I see. *giggles

KeshavaNandini The mischievous Putri indeed. From teasing each other and dedicating stories for each other, we have come a long way. And BTW I am never going to get over the shock you subjected me to, in your book 'Trials Of time', I definitely needed all the tissues in the entire Bramhanda. That book was a dream come true. *sighs dreamily*

LeoEaton I'll let my silence speak to you...... Of all you know how much this means to me....I know you wouldn't read this anytime soon, but still certain things are simply meant to be.

 VarchaPriyaa The last yet most important person. The Akka who I have never met but shared an immediate connection with: so many similarities from both of our lives. Someone who has a similar mindset, a similar mother, similar fights with Kanha, someone who makes me blush making even a tomato jealous. From teasing each other, pulling each other's legs, long conversations about life, longer day dreams about our loves, sharing drawings and so so so much more. Thanks a lot akka, for encouraging me a lot in this journey. Love you. Alas, you wouldn't read this as well. But I am going to screenshot this whole thing and send, whether you like it or not. *laughs*

And yes there are a lottttttt of others as well @shivalour   DharmaPriyaa @kanhapriya @krishna21verma AlexJackson712  suvachana ...who have been a part of this journey and have been encouraging me in every step. Many many thanks to all of you and all those silent readers as well.

With this, I'd like to take your leave and promise to get back with another new beginning within 48 hours.

Love you all and I do hope each one who reads this finds Love as well. I am sure you will. And trust me, that is a promise. *knowing smile at Sri Hari*



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