one - something great

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[how can it be
that my memories
are more alive
than i am?]


"If you're that eager to leave, Mickey, then don't come back!" Mr. Hart called from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and let the creaky door to the group home I lived in slam behind me. Mr. Hart was always in a bad mood, and even if he wasn't? He still treated me like garbage.

I fixed my hat on my walk to the truck. I climbed into the passenger seat of my best friend Lizzie's truck, and pulled the door shut behind me.

I clicked my seatbelt.

"Hey, you okay?" Lizzie checked. I shrugged before nodding.

"Yeah, of course. Always," I smiled. Lizzie gave me an unconvinced nod and I looked down at my hands, momentarily lost in my thoughts.

"Mickey," Lizzie said, getting my attention. Of course, Mickey wasn't my real name. My real name was McKenna. McKenna Aztec -insert that last name I don't have here- I was almost 16.

16. "Yeah, Lizzie?" She looked over and smiled at me.

15. "Did you ever figure out what movie we're going to watch?" She asked me.

14. I shrugged.  "Live your life, Lizzie. Plans are for suckers. Rules are for suckers. We've been over this," I said.

13. Lizzie stuck her tongue out at me girlishly and unbuckled her seatbelt. She wiggled her eyebrows. "You're an idiot. Put it back on," I said.

12. She scoffed and made no move to return the buckle to it's clicker. "Rules are for suckers, Mickey. You said it yourself." I rolled my eyes at her.

11. Lizzie shut off the radio.

10. "Do you believe in fate?" Lizzie asked. Sometimes, but not often, she was like this. Sometimes, she could be serious.

9. "No, I don't. I think things happen only because we make them," I said slowly.

8. "I believe in fate," she said, "I think fate is why your life has been so awful. I think fate wants to fight you." I scoffed in mock hurt and let my eyes roll.

7. She wasn't wrong. If fate was real, and it was fighting me? It was kicking my ass. But I was surviving. One foot was in front of the other, and I was alive. I was breathing.

6. "The suns in my eyes," I complained loudly, changing the subject completely.

5. Lizzie reached over and put my sun visor down.

4. I watched her pull her own down. She looked at me and smiled.

3. "You, Mickey, are my favorite mistake," Lizzie said.

2. I didn't know what to say. I was looking at her, and she was looking at me, and by the time either of us were looking at the road? It was already too late.

1. She looked back at the road. We were going onto the shoulder. We were going into the ditch.

"Fuck!" Lizzie screamed. She over corrected in attempt to save us. The back end of the vehicle fishtailed out. It went end over end, and then slammed down on my side. It rolled. Rolled again. Rolled again. The accident might have been over in 3 seconds, maybe not even that. We stopped, on what was left of our wheels.

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