seven - wolves

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[i die from everything
the word contains.
from what i saw, what i heard,
i die from what i lived.]


"Hey Mickey, can you come in here? We need to talk." Niall's Irish accent rung through the bus from the living room. This is it, I thought, they don't want me. I've been too much of a hassle. I knew it. I walked to the living room, my nails digging into my palms.

"Sit." Harry nodded to the loveseat that has replaced the recliner. I cautiously sat down next to Zayn, looking between the boys and trying to figure out what was going on. If they didn't want me, they probably wouldn't have bought me a seat.

"So you know how we're a band, right? One Direction?" Louis started, and I nodded.

"There were some pictures of us all taken together. First at the accident, and then the mall, and while we were leaving the police station," Liam continued. I nodded along, not understanding where he was going with it.

"We're here because we need to figure out what we're going to tell people," Niall finished.

I considered for a moment. I realized that telling the truth was the last thing I wanted. I didn't want millions of fan girls knowing everything about me.

"We could just tell them that Mickey is your sister and you're her legal guardian?" Zayn suggested. Niall shook his head.

"I don't want my family to have to go through the stress and deal with the press about it." I'm his family, too, but I don't think he means me.

"Do we even have to tell them anything? This will die down in a few days, I'm sure," Louis said casually.

I nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, it's not like I'm all that memorable. I'm sure some other sort of celebrity drama will happen and everyone will just... move on." The boys nodded. Why make things worse, right? Just wait for them to cool down. I would stay backstage or on the bus during their concerts and make sure I had a good disguise.

"Okay, everyone got that? Don't tweet about it, don't acknowledge it, anything. Just let it die down," Liam confirmed with us.

"Yes, Liam," we all responded in a monotone voice, causing us to burst into fits of laughter.

"Now, for the more serious topic," Niall started, looking at me. I gulped.

"What are we going to eat for dinner?" He asked in a serious voice. After the couple seconds it took me to process what he said, I laughed.

"I hate you! You almost gave me a heart attack!" The boys laughed.

Eventually, we decided that pizza was the best option.

"I'll call pizza hut and get something to go, yeah?" Harry was about to start dialing the phone, when I jumped in.

"No!" I yelled. All of the boys turned to look at me, startled, and I covered my mouth in shock.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I was about to go off on a long rambling appology when all of the boys stated laughing.

"It's good, Mickey. What's up?" Liam asked between fits of laughter, and I shrugged.

"I was just gonna say that there's a really good pizza place not too far from here if you wanted to do that instead. Or not I mean ordering in is cool too it's honestly whatever you guys wanna do-"

"We can go out, right lads?" Zayn confirmed with the boys and they nodded.

Here's the truth about getting ready to go get pizza with a world famous boy band in a cramped tour bus: it takes awhile.

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