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I managed to watch the concert with the twins without being spotted by any fans. When the show was over, my trio went back to the locker room to wait for the boys.

They walked in a few minutes later, dripping sweat and talking loudly. They might have been 20 years old, but the way they were talking made it easy to mistake them for much younger.

Poe and Didge were standing awkwardly while I did my best to get them going. Louis and Niall were playing what they called ping pong.

Ping pong, in reality, was them pressing their hands together and slapping the back of the other persons until they surrendered.

Niall and Louis were both too dumb to surrender.

"It's a draw," I laughed, pulling their hands apart. I looked at the backs of both of them and sighed. They were bright red. "Idiots," I giggled. I kissed the backs of both of their hands and then dropped them. I moved to Harry, who was staring at his reflection. "What are you doing?"

"I'm amazing," Harry said.

"Amazingly narcissistic," I quipped. I slid past him to Liam, who was on his knees digging though the pile of clothes. "And you are...?"

"Looking for my other shirt," Liam said. "Aha! You have it!" He pointed at me accusingly and I shrugged.

"Here," I said. I found mine and then pulled his off. I wiggled into mine while he did the same with his. He pulled me up from our spot. "Boys! Are you ready?"

"I can't find my phone," Harry grumbled.

"You left it on the futon," Didge said, pointing to it. Harry cheered and thanked her before snagging it. He shoved it into his pocket and flashed me a thumbs up.

"Niall? Liam? Lou?" I asked, looking at each of them. Or at least I tried to, but Louis was nowhere to be found. "Where'd he go?"

"Out there," Poe said, pointing to the door. I groaned and jogged to it. Louis was down the hallway, moving towards a golf cart.

"Don't you dare!" I called after him. Louis sent me a devilish grin over his shoulder. I sighed and jogged after him.

The golf cart, thankfully for me, didn't have a key. I grabbed onto Louis' shoulder and turned him around.

He smiled dopily.

"Are you high or something?" I laughed.

"Sh," Louis said, snapping his hand over my mouth and putting the pointer finger of his other hand to his lips. "One of our guards has a dab pen."

"Louis!" I scolded lightly.

"He let me borrow it for tonight," Louis said, "D'you wanna hit it?" I considered it for a moment.

My first time getting high (from weed) wasn't exactly good, but that was Donte's fault. The high itself was fun. Being high with Louis was fun before, and it would be fun now.

I looked at him, seeing if he was testing me. When I was sure he was being serious, I smiled.

"You don't think Niall will care?"

"Niall's high," Louis giggled, "I doubt he'll care."

"Okay, yeah," I said.

Louis took the device from his front pocket and handed it to me. I looked at it for just a second.

It crossed my mind, then, that Lizzie's older brother often had one of these sitting out on his table when Liz and I would be in there with him playing video games.

Fuck it, I thought.

I pressed the button and held it to my mouth, inhaling as much smoke as my lungs would allow.

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