Chapter 3

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Harry felt warm and safe wherever he was right now.

Someone had their arms wrapped around his small frame making him feel safe and protected from the world, and Harry's head was resting on his chest.

Logically, Harry should probably be scared. He didn't know where he was or who he was sleeping next to, (or what had happened prior to him for him to be sleeping next to someone), but he really didn't give a shit. For the first time in his whole life he felt at peace, and that was all that was important to him.

Slowly Harry became aware of people talking around him, one of those voices belonging to the chest he was sleeping on.

"It doesn't make any sense though, why would he lie to us, to me?" the body says, sounding hurt.

"It kinda does make sense though. Not why he lied, but that he's a sub. I mean, he's never really wanted to hang out and do 'Dom' things with us, he'd always rather join Zayn and Lou on their shopping trips or whatever it is you guy's do. And it explains why Zayn's emotions have been all over the place recently, his inner sub was recognising that there was another sub on the bus that wasn't being looked after. I don't know how we didn't see it before..." another person says.

That sound's like Liam, always logical and making sense. He liked Liam.

Hand's started stroking through his curls, making Harry whine and bury his head further under the body's neck.

"I can't believe he's been struggling on his own the whole time. He's been neglected and we didn't help," an irish voice whispers, meaning that was Niall.

He wanted to get up and hug Niall and tell him he was fine, but he was too tired and comfortable where he was so he just tried to send Niall a telepathic message that he was fine.

That meant that if Niall and Liam's voices were coming from slightly far away, and the arms around him were too big to be Zayn's, either a random man had snuck into the bus and was chatting with the boy's like they'd been friends their whole lives, or it was Louis.

Please let it be Louis.

But if this was Louis, and if the boy's were talking about him, that meant they knew he was a sub.


Harry whined again and opened an eye, blinking in the light and staring straight ahead at the wall.

He needed to let the boy's know he wasn't a sub, because clearly something had happened last night that meant they all knew.

And Harry couldn't exactly open his mouth and just say he's not a sub, because then it would be clear he was lying. He had to make it believable.

Louis looked down to see Harry with his eyes open and pulled him up so they were now sitting with Harry on Louis' lap.

"Hi, sweetheart. Are you feeling any better?" Louis says softly.

Harry pushes Louis off, even though it feels like it might kill him, and stands up in the aisle between the two sets of bunks.

"Why are you hugging me like that and calling me sweetheart?" he mumbles in a deep voice, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Louis, Liam and Niall all share a look of confusion and Harry notices Zayn asleep behind Liam.

"Harry, do you remember what happened last night?" Louis says carefully.

Harry remembers, he went to a club, some guy tried to pull some dodgy shit on him in a toilet, he found the nicest bouncer ever, Louis came to get him, and he started dropping.

Lights up and they know who you are. //  Larry Stylinson. //  BDSM auWhere stories live. Discover now