Chapter 5

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Okay so maybe there was a reason be hadn't told the boys.

Now he was allowed to show his true submissive nature, it was becoming harder to hide it Infront of other people.

This was also clearly apparent for the rest of the boys too, as they kept reaching out to touch him as you would a sub, before pulling back and sitting rigid.

And their management were definitely starting to catch on if the angry glares they were giving Harry were anything to go by.

"So, Harry. Rumours are saying you were caught with a boy in a club recently? You looking for a sub to settle down with or were you just looking for a quick, shall we say, night of love?" the male Dom interview says with a nasty laugh.

Harry shoves his sweaty palms under his thighs to sit on to try and hide his nerves. "Um, I think there's always rumours going around and you shouldn't always believe what you, um, what you read," he says shortly.

"Mhmm, sure sure. We can say that," the interviewer says sarcastically with a smirk.

"Anyways, boys, you're in the middle of your second world tour. At such a young age that must be a lot to take in. Do you have specific things you like to bring on tour with you to help ground you?" the female interviewer asks, who Harry decides he prefers a lot more.

"Um, for me I'd probably just say me Yorkshire tea. You just can't beat it, can you lads?" Louis says seriously, making Harry bow his head and bite his lip to hide a smirk.

"You can't, this is true. I'd prob'ly just say me guitar," Niall says with a smirk.

"I'd just say Zayn, and the rest of the boys as well. I can't ever imagine doing this whole thing solo, and I feel so grateful to have my three best mates and my boyfriend with me on this whole journey too," Liam says fondly, squeezing Zayn's thigh.

Zayn blushes and smiles proudly. "I'd say Li, too, or my teddy bear."

"Aw, you two are so cute! What about you Harry?" the woman asks with a kind smile.

"He'd probably want a little fuck boy," the man says, laughing loudly.

"Mate you need to back off-" Louis starts before being interrupted by Harry.

"I was actually going to say that having my blanket and candles from home help to make the bus feel more like home, and also having the boy's is something you can't put a price on," he says honestly, hurt shining through his voice.

The interview goes on for a little while longer, Harry not saying much unless directly asked, and as soon as it's over his management are pulling him away and into a separate room, ignoring his complaints.

"What the hell happened to you last night, styles? Do you know the amount of cover up work we've had to do for you? All cause you wanted a shag in the toilets? With a Dom? When you know the world thinks you're a Dom too? What is your explanation for it exactly, cause I swear to god it better good!" His manager shouts.

Harry gulps and feels his hands shake, wishing he had Louis or at least one of the other boy's with him right now.

"I'm really sorry, John, I didn't mean for everything to happen the way it did. This Dom pulled me into the bathroom, and when I realised what was happening he wouldn't let me leave. I'm really sorry," he says again desperately.

"So then how does that explain the reason why the boys out there all know? Hm? It says in your contract you're not tell anyone, including the boys. You do realise the implications behind this, right?" John says angrily.

"U-Um, no sir, sorry," Harry mumbles.

John rolls his eyes. "If you break your contract it can result in either a fine or we can release you from our management."

Lights up and they know who you are. //  Larry Stylinson. //  BDSM auWhere stories live. Discover now