Chapter 5

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It's ya boy back at it again with the first update in four months lmao

Harry was extremely satisfied with Tom's reaction to Harry's finished potion. The sight of those grey eyes widening and the way his lips drew into a straight line to prevent himself from openly showing his shock. Harry could see the way his jaw was working, clenching his teeth together. To put the icing on the cake, Harry stuck his tongue between his own lips tauntingly. He could see the cogs turning in Riddle's mind, with two hundred years of life under his belt and briefly sharing a fragment of their souls, Harry found it quite easy to read Tom's expression. The way those long, elegant fingers clenched around his wand harder than normal causing the veins to be more prominent. It all sounded like one big innuendo. Harry was tempted to cast a legilimens on Tom, but considering his natural affinity to the art, he might notice Harry's intrusion.

This pattern continued throughout the first week of school. Harry was particularly giddy going to Defense against the Dark Arts, knowing how much Riddle prided himself in his dueling prowess and raw magical power. In that aspect, Tom wasn't wrong, he was certainly a once in a lifetime talent considering the raw power emanating from his, in Harry's opinion, incredibly attractive figure. However, Riddle didn't have two centuries to get attuned to his magic nor had he reached his majority, which signaled the full maturation of a wizard's magic. Harry had both of these facts in his favor. Harry spent the first decades of his isolation from society feeling out his magic and at this point, it just moved the way he wanted. There was no need to learn new spells, if he wanted to turn Tom into a small snake and hiss highly suggestive phrases to it, there was no need to learn a spell to transfigure a human to a snake, it just happened. This had the downside, of course, of his magic running rampant if he forgot to keep his emotions in check.

There were only a couple of students in the classroom by the time Harry arrived and by a couple of students he meant Riddle and Malfoy. The former looked relatively bored while the latter spoke animately with a glimmer in his eyes that Harry recognized as unadulterated awe. A look that sent a shiver down Harry's spine. He had enough of those for several lifetimes.

The disorderly haired wizard happily walked to the other side of where Riddle sat and planted his bottom on the bench, purposely sitting close enough for their thighs to brush. Abraxas stopped talking mid-sentence and stared at him with poorly-masked hatred.

"Good morning friends!" Harry announced relishing in their horror at the use of the word 'friend.'

"Good morning," they both returned curtly and politely, not willing to antagonize someone in broad daylight like an idiot would. Internally, Harry assumed, they were probably wondering how much firewhiskey or how low IQ he had to approach them as if they were on good terms.

Harry ran a quick hand through his hair, somehow messing it up more than it already was, and leaned forward excitedly, "So what do you guys think we're going to do today?"

"That's a good question Evans," said Professor Merrythought from the front of the room, "Today we are dueling. Of course, lethal spells and Dark Magic are prohibited." Apparently, while Harry was focused on Riddle, his classmates had somehow filed into the room and filled all the seats.

"This is a good exercise to be reacquainted with one another, show me what you remember from the previous years, and of course, use what you have learned in a practical manner! Has anyone forgotten the dueling etiquette?"

A few murmurs rippled through the class, but no one raised their hands. With a nod, Professor Merrythought began naming the pairs for dueling.

"Malfoy and Goyle... Riddle and Evans..." Harry snapped his head towards Riddle who was already looking at him and shot him a grin.

Harry and Tom bowed to one another with their wands in hand and turned back to back. They took three steps each before spinning around on the third count and sending stinging hexes at one another.

Harry stepped out of the way pretending to trip and "coincidentally" dodging Riddle's jelly-legs jinx. Harry lifted his own wand and yelled a Bombarda, but instead of creating a hole in the ground where Riddle stood, it changed his school robes into an expensive muggle suit tailored to hug his figure deliciously. Harry dropped his wand and leaned down just in time to lean down and avoid a Reducio coming from Riddle. This pattern continued where Harry would somehow coincidentally avoid Riddle's masterful spellwork and send back spells with effects that had no correlation to the incantation that actually left Harry's mouth.

Many minutes passed and the rest of the class started watching the Evans-Riddle pair as their own duels ended with a clear winner. By the time class ended Tom was dressed in a black turtleneck, dress shoes, and black-rimmed glasses, which gained appreciative looks from the female population in the room. Neither one of them was hurt physically although Riddle's pride had seemed a bit bruised.

Throughout the rest of Harry's first month at Hogwarts, he alternated between doing incredibly well in classes and not giving a rat's arse about them. Slughorn began having mixed thoughts on whether Harry had any mastery in the subject when he experimented for the fourth time that week how many burdock roots and Aconite fluid would be needed to blow up a cauldron. Which was to say, was quite a lot. In transfiguration, he had turned his match into a chicken rather than a dove and began spelling his spare matches into small sweaters and hats to play dress-up with it. Dumbledore didn't seem to mind or comment, only smiling at him with the same glimmer in his eyes. The chicken only pecked at Riddle's perfectly transfigured dove, which Dumbledore also made no move to acknowledge.

Harry knew Riddle's patience was running thin when he ran into two Slytherins on the way back from the library near curfew. 


Does the story even make sense anymore haha, it's been a while since I've written. I had to reread this to remember the plot. I have no idea where the story is going, I mean I used to, but I forgot. 

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