Chapter 15

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Twenty minutes had passed before Riddle finally decided to intervene. It would seem his date had three too many glasses of firewhiskey and was making a public spectacle of himself. How it got to this point Tom did not know. A crowd gathered around the table Evans found himself standing on and they cheered him on as he danced. He could see the blond boy in the front whistling. The movement of Evans's hips was obscene.

Tom approached the table and coughed lightly to get his attention. The crowd parted before him.


The boy spun around and his green eyes immediately lit up when they landed on Tom. He reminded Tom of one of those giant dogs he'd seen back at the orphanage.

"Tommy!" Harry hurried off towards him, almost falling as he jumped off the table.

Sensing that his life was in imminent danger, Riddle sidestepped as Harry barreled passed him and onto the ground.

"Why'd you do that?" Harry said with a pout, "I just wanted to give you a hug."

"That's precisely why. I don't feel inclined to cater your drunken whims Evans."

"I'm not drunk!" To prove his point, Evans struggled his way to his feet, "Could a drunk person walk in a straight line like this?" Harry took a wobbly step towards him before loosing balance and landing face first in Riddle's chest. To his surprise, Riddle didn't hate the contact.

"Mmmm, you smell good Tom. What kind of body wash do you use?"

Harry buried his face further into the fabric of Riddle's dress robes. Riddle heaved a great sigh, and placed his palm on Harry's hair, perhaps because he was curious how it felt (which was surprisingly soft) or perhaps to prevent Evans from snuggling any closer. "Let's get you some water."

"Water? Oh yea... Tom I have to tell you something. It's really important."

Something important? How intriguing. Riddle wasn't above using Evan's drunken state to gather information from him. Curious, he leant down to let Evans whisper in his ear.

Evans leant in, "I really need to pee. I think I'm about to burst."

Apparently, it was time to take his dog on a walk. Riddle debated the pros and cons of allowing Evans to go to the bathroom. Pros, Evans would never live this incident down and cons, given how tightly Evans gripped his robes, there was no way to be certain he wouldn't be in the splash zone.

Riddle escorted his drunk date to the restroom and waited nearby just in case Evans fell asleep upon his porcelain throne and concussed himself on the floor. He couldn't have Evans die yet. He still needed to reveal the secret behind the butterfly spell.

"Tom" Evans groaned in his ear.

It took every ounce of Riddle's self control not to jump. How did Evans sneak up on him without him noticing?

"Toooom, I'm hot. It's so stuffy here." Harry pulled at his tie until it was loose enough to pull over his head. He tried to work his finger through the buttons, but his motor skills were heavily impaired. Tom looked around. Luckily, no one else was in this hallway.

"Tom," He whined, "help me. It's so hot."

Tom's eyes were drawn to the exposed flesh. He followed the lines of his collarbones down to prominent line between his pecs. Evans looked utterly debauched. His hair had returned to a state of disarray and he'd unbuttoned his shirt enough to display his abdominal muscles. This certainly wasn't Riddle's first time seeing Harry exposed like this. The memory made him wince, Riddle subconsciously drew his eyes further downwards.

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