Chapter 7

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The look of absolute hatred Riddle gave Harry the morning after the incident was delicious. It sent shivers down his spine. Normally Harry didn't like it when people looked at him like he was some worthless piece of garbage, but it looked amazing on Riddle's chiseled features. 

Harry hummed happily as he indulged himself in his hearty breakfast, taking extra care to annoy the Slytherins with his poor table manners. He knew how up-the-ass Slytherins were about etiquette so he swiped a thumb across his cheek where remnants of his meal were smeared and licked it. Napkins be damned. 

It was a full moon that night and that could only mean one thing. Besides werewolves, it also meant that Riddle and his groupies, the so-called Knights of Walpurgis, were going to hold a meeting in the Room of Requirement to discuss various topics along the lines of world domination and genocide. Which were quite typical topics for your average teenager. 

Harry checked his Maurader's map for the umpteenth time before throwing his invisibility cloak on and sneaking out of the Hufflepuff dorm. He followed his feet down the familiar pathway to where he used to hold DA (Dumbledore's Army) meetings. Besides the whole getting targeted by a trigger-happy megalomaniac and a psycho, pink frog, the experience was one of Harry's more treasured memories. 


"Malfoy, I trust that you have informed your father regarding the repercussions of integrating muggle culture into the school system at the risk of washing out vital Wizarding traditions that serve not only as a magical connection to our ancestors that allows us to propagate familial magicks but also facilitate the transition during puberty by which young wizards can achieve their majority, an otherwise painful process with increasing mood fluctuations." 

Riddle spoke from his chair in the Room of Requirement among his circle of followers. Riddle didn't make friends, rather he surrounded himself with influential heirs that would one day lead the wizarding world when they inevitably inherited their seats in Wizengamont.

"Yes my Lord, I have informed my father. He was quite impressed with your discourse. He couldn't believe it came from a Hogwarts age student. He said it was truly remarkable."

"Alright then," Riddle continued, "Let's move on to more important business--particularly those regarding my inheritance and what it is we plan to do after our rapidly approaching graduation."

"This may seem like a rhetorical question but am I to assume I have your unquestionable loyalties?"

A chorus of "yes my Lord" traveled through the circle. 

Satisfied with the response, Riddle resumed, "It has come to my attention and even more so in light of recent events that the integration of these muggle-born parasites into wizarding society is impossible at best. I believe that you lot hold the same regard for those incompetent, glasses-wearing, messy-haired, sad-excuse for wizards as well." Riddle's words grew more scathing by the end of his sentence. 

The circle paused for a second to digest the information as a familiar wizard appeared in their minds. The silence was palpable.

Malfoy broke the pause. "Of course we hold those disgusting mudbloods in the same regard. If I could I'd just wipe them from the face of this planet, especially Harry Evans who still doesn't know his place. That bastard--"

Just then, the door to the room of requirement opened revealing an incompetent, glasses-wearing, messy-haired, sad excuse of a wizard. Evans looked around the room, his gaze pausing on each of the people in the room before finally landing on Riddle himself. His eyes glowed with mischief. 

"Oh my," Harry smiled, "Am I interrupting something?"

Everyone was glued to their seat in utter shock, incapable of processing the impossibility that had just happened. No one had ever interrupted their meeting or known about the Room of Requirement, much less a new student who should still be getting concussions on the moving stairs like the first years. 

Harry was the first to move, "Oh well, I guess I'll excuse myself then." 

The sound of the door closing jolted everyone from their stupor. 

Riddle's eyes flashed red, "What do you idiots think you're doing?!? GET HIM!"

Everyone jumped to their feet and readied their wands before rushing out in pursuit. It shouldn't have been more than a second for them to leave the room but the entrance and the adjacent hallway were empty with no signs of life. 

Riddle's wand let out electrifying sparks. His magic threatened to pour out and destroy everything in its path, but because Riddle was undoubtedly a superior breed of human, he kept his magic in check. 

His followers were met with a curt dismissal and they wasted no time heeding the order. An angry Riddle was a scary Riddle. And a scary Riddle had a tendency of crucioing people for stress-relief.

The next morning in potions, Harry purposely sat next to Riddle pleased to see a strained crease appear on Riddle's forehead. Riddle was holding back as he had a reputation to uptake, but then Evans leaned close to him and whispered, "You know human genocide doesn't seem like a good idea. Why don't you bake instead? I know some amazing cupcake recipes that are way more fun than wiping an entire population and becoming a noseless snake demon. They're pretty destressing too. How about I make you some?"

And that was the first day Riddle got a detention for blowing up the potions lab. 

When Riddle returned from his detention with Slughorn, he was greeted by a cupcake and a note that said: "Eating yummy cupcakes can help you destress, especially after a detention :P -Your worried and best best best friend Harry Evans" laying on his bed. Needless to say, he burned both of them.

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