Chapter 13

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Harry worked his fingers on his cuff links. It'd been a while since Harry needed to dress formally for any occasion and he felt slightly constricted in dress robes. However, at the same time, he couldn't be anything less than perfection if he wanted to stand next to Tom. He'd look like a sack of potatoes otherwise. 

It'd taken Harry hours to prepare, and Death was fussing over him the entire time like some sort of overbearing mother. 

"We're good. No more gel. It looks fine," Harry said exasperated.

Death stood over Harry menacingly with hair gel in hand.

"It's not fine."

Witnesses would later say that screams echoed through the dorm.

Tom probably wakes up without a strand of hair out of place. His skin is probably always clear. I bet when Tom went through puberty, his voice didn't even crack. He just woke up one day and it was silky smooth and deep. 

Harry snapped out of his envious thoughts as Death finished fussing over his hair and checked the time. It was 5:30 pm, and he supposed it wouldn't hurt to show up early. Maybe he'd be able to watch Tom get ready if he was lucky. Harry hoped he was lucky.

Harry made his way to the door.

As Harry reached for the doorknob, Lucas popped his sandy-blond hair around the corner of the hallway "Woah bro ... where you headed off to looking so fine."

"To the Slytherin dorms, I have a date to escort."

"I still can't believe you got Tom to go with you. I mean I guess it makes sense after all that effort you put in. You've kept me up countless nights cause of your scheming."

"Careful," Harry reprimanded, "People might get the wrong idea if you phrase it like that."

"Shut up you bastard, not everyone is constantly thinking those thoughts" Lucas flipped him off from afar. "You know, if you didn't have anyone to go with, I totally would've been okay with going with you." Lucas looked at Harry with feigned sincerity.



"Bro... is this because no witch has ever looked in your direction before?"

"Fuck you, Evans, I get plenty of witches, have you seen me?" Lucas proceeded to assume multiple poses that showed off his "quidditch muscles" as he so eloquently put it.

"Hahaha... I believe you... totally. I'll catch you later Lucas. People who have dated are busy. Not that you would know, see ya."

Harry left with Lucas spewing expletives behind him.

Harry walked down the halls with a hop in his step, after all, getting under Lucas's skin was Harry's second favorite pastime after bothering Tom.

It was getting concerning how much Harry enjoyed bothering people. Maybe he should get that checked out... Nah, it's probably fine.

As much as Harry made fun of him, Lucas was an attractive guy, so it was weird that he didn't have a date, but Harry didn't ponder that thought for much longer as he had bigger things to worry about.

Harry stood in the dungeons debating whether or not to sneak into the Slytherin dorms to give Tom a surprise or wait patiently like a good boy outside. The choice was obvious.

Where's that pesky invisibility cloak...


Tom had 30 minutes left to get ready for his affair with Evans. He was in the middle of a hot shower pondering his thoughts or having shower thoughts if you will. Tom was feeling rather giddy today. Not because he was attending the Yule Ball with Evans, not that anyone was stupid enough to make such an assumption, but because he'd gotten his hands on the Philosopher's Stone. Riddle had been prodding the stone with all sorts of magic to examine its properties, it was powerful. Extremely powerful. His dreams of immortality were in his grasp. Maybe Tom would be able to cast a corporeal Patronus with these memories. It was the only spell he'd ever failed to cast much to his irritation.

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