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hello! please comment and vote so i can see people are actually engaged in my story :) 

Elijah's POV

"You're a freak." Eli shuddered. "Normal people can't do this sorcery." He spoke as he looked appalled at Carter.

She giggled. "Relax, it's only double-jointed fingers." She said, bending her thumb back to the point where it lay flat on the back of her hand. 

Eli scoffed. "No. That's mutant work, you have superpowers." 

Della shoved him from the side. "Shut up, drama queen." He got up from his seat in the kitchen and went back to the living room.

Porter was lying lazily on the couch. All that fucker did was sleep. Eli knocked him over the head, and Porter didn't even stir. 

Eli had once again left his room that morning to find Carter in his house with Della. Neither of them lived here, yet they were always at his place. They had clearly considered his home their home too as they both were wearing sweatpants.

"So, do you cut your own hair?" He heard Della ask Carter in the kitchen. 

"Yeah! I like it better when I do it." 

"You know who's hair needs some work?" Della asked. 



His head snapped to them as he heard himself being wedged into their conversation. 

"My hair is perfectly fine." He defended himself.

"Your hair is blond you dumbass," Porter mumbled. 

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Eli scowled at him.

"I am asleep." He replied. What an idiot.

Eli rolled his eyes. "That's because of my genetics you asshole. And besides, I pull it off."

"No you don't, you look like a barbie," Porter said again.

"Shut up, puta." Eli shot at him. He didn't usually speak Spanish around his friends but puta was an exception. His parents are Hispanic so he was raised learning the language. 

Porter scowled at the word. "You shut up. Dye it brown or black like a normal person."

"Your hair is literally red." Eli gestured to his head.

"Don't dye your hair." Carter suddenly cut into their banter, addressing Eli. 

Eli's eyes widened before he smirked. "Why? Do you like my hair?"

"No, I just like calling you buttercup ." She replied back quickly, wiping the smirk clean off Eli's face. She looked right at him as she said it.

"Shut up, strawberry shortcake." He tossed at her, keeping firm eye contact.

Her eyes narrowed before she smirked and said, "Nope, that's Porter," pointing to Porter's fiery red hair. 

"Hey, don't drag me into your flirting and weird sexual tension," Porter mumbled. He had been fully engaged in their conversation while his eyes were closed. 

Carter's cheeks heated and she darted her eyes away from Eli's as he turned his head to glare at Porter for that unnecessary comment. 

Della had been watching Eli with piqued interest the entire conversation. She was used to his witty remarks, but not to the spark in his eyes as he said them. He had seemed lifeless their entire friendship until... her eyes shifted to Carter. She smiled slightly. 

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