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Prepare for heartbreak. VOTE and comment pretty please!

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Carter's POV

As she watched Eli's back going into his bedroom, Carter felt confused. Did she do something wrong? She had been building up the courage to come and tell him about her feelings.

It took her a few days to get over the stupid hickey on him and now she wanted to look him in the eyes and tell him that she wanted no one to leave love marks on him but her.

She swallowed, walking after him into his bedroom.

She opened her mouth to confess, ignoring his cold attitude, but he spoke before she did, his back still to her.

"I lied Carter," he said. "Before Jersey. When I said I don't hate you. I do hate you."

He turned around just in time to see her eyes widen in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Was this some kind of sick joke?

"I just don't get why you even came to see me. Do you think we're friends or something?" He said, his face stone cold, devoid of any humour.

She hesitated. This didn't seem like a joke.

"I thought-" she started.

"Well, you thought wrong," he cut her off.

She stared at him for a second and got right to the point of her frustrations. She couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Who gave you that hickey Eli?" She asked, her voice less warm than before.

"It's none of your fucking business."

She froze, feeling a hot feeling start in her chest and spread down to her arms.

"But what about us?" She blurted out

"There is no us. There never was," he said callously.

She crossed her arms in a defensive manner on her chest, as if she was protecting herself from his emotional blows. He was being so cruel.

"But all the time we spent together, and the kissing and touching and your nightmares and I-" She started to ramble.

"Forget about the fucking nightmares Carter! I don't need you." He said, his voice louder than before, which made her flinch.

"I don't understand why you're talking to me like this," she held her ground.

He ignored her, staring into her eyes mercilessly.

"Eli, please," she pleaded with him, "I don't understand what I did you upset you."

He said nothing and she unconsciously reached out for him, her hand almost reaching his arm before he pulled back, looking at her arm with distaste. Her heart cracked at the gesture and she narrowed her eyes, seeing him in a new light and finally feeling fury over sadness.

"I lied too, you know. About you being warm on the inside. I said you weren't cold-hearted on the inside but clearly you fucking are. I hate you too," she spit out.

He hesitated for a second, his gaze drawing down to her collarbones before flickering back up to her eyes. His jaw tightened, "Good. Glad we're on the same page. Like I said, I don't need you."

That one really hurt. Carter hated feeling disposable. She came to tell him he meant the world to her and he was treating her like shit. If he didn't need her then she wouldn't fucking beg him like this.

Carter could feel hurt building up in her chest and her heart was racing, her head going through all the scenarios as to why Eli would switch up like this. He was showing her no mercy and she didn't know why.

Then it hit her. She looked down at the floor as all the pieces came together in her head.

The last time she saw him was when she cried in his arms in her bed. It all made sense now; he probably thought she was fucking crazy. She felt hot tears form behind her eyes at the conclusion she came to and she knew she was about to start crying any minute now.

She had to get out of there. Away from Eli and his hurtful words.

She looked back up at him angrily, and she saw him slightly take a step back, his cruel expression faltering when he saw her glossy eyes.

"You said you'd never make me cry," her voice shook, but she kept a fierce expression on her face, refusing to appear weaker than she already appeared.

She took a breath, taking a second to look into Eli's cold light eyes, up at his messier-than-usual hair, his warm bronze skin and the drawings visible on his arms. She scanned the black shadow of his clothes and his figure, her eyes pausing on his mom's necklace before they darted back into his eyes. She imprinted and memorized him in her mind before she let him go.

"Goodbye, Elijah," she spoke, her voice firm now as she successfully held back her tears.

She turned on her heel and walked away.

Her tears spilled out the second she was no longer facing him, but she did not turn back, refusing to show him the weakness he had put in her.

a/n this is the end of the story!

just kidding lol

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