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Elijah's POV

Life had felt meaningless for Eli for a while. The day he went to Kristen (Karen?)'s house, he felt numb, more numb than usual.

He felt miserable, something tried to hide around his friends (except Porter who was well aware of what happened).

The worst part was, he knew exactly why he felt that way. There was one thing gone from his life now that he really missed.

When he got high enough to forget about Carter, he went to the fridge to get some snacks, only to be served with her stupid fucking Tupperware and heart-shaped cupcakes in his face.

He would never admit it, but he ate all ten of them, high off his ass in bed while watching The Notebook. Did that make him feel better? No. But nothing really did.

Della had been walking on eggshells around him since it happened, which made it obvious that Porter told her, but Eli could not bring himself to talk to her about it.

He felt so pathetic. He had only known Carter for a few months so feeling this way about not having her around anymore made him upset.

He felt like she had abandoned him. Used him for fun and giggles and kisses and sexual tension and then left him hanging to have another guy at her place. It hurt Eli's pride; they were not even dating and he felt this fucked up about it?

As he dwelled on it more and more, the longing he felt for Carter slowly turned to resentment, and he convinced himself that he did not even want to see her again.

Until he did see her again.

A week later, after his class was finished, he unlocked the door to his place and was surprised to find the object of his resentment and misery sitting in his living room petting his cat.

She glanced up when she heard him coming, smiling slightly with a smile that did not reach her wide eyes, and suddenly, all the ill feelings he had developed towards her vanished.

Then they came back ten times stronger.

"What are you doing here?" He asked rudely, straight to the point as he pulled off his shoes.

"Um," she hesitated at his tone, "I actually came to see you. Porter let me in and said he had some errands to run so he left me here to wait for you. I hope that's okay."

Yep. Eli was gonna kill Porter. 'Errands,' was a straight-up lie to leave Carter here alone with Eli.

He felt bitter seeing her there for the first time in a while. Her hair was down in curly locks that went just past her shoulders, a few strands knotted and braided together. He analyzed her outfit, a blue crocheted sweater and jeans.

He hated how pretty she looked. He hated how much he had missed her.

It left a bitter feeling in his stomach, making him detached and sad at her presence.

"No, it's not okay. You came to see me?" He said, in a condescending tone he could not control. "Where's Ryder? Go see him instead."

Her eyes widened, and she had the audacity to look confused, standing up so she was facing him.

"Why would I want to see him?" She asked.

Eli almost laughed, rolling his eyes and walking into his bedroom, leaving her standing there in confusion at his angsty and unwelcoming presence.

He had to get her out of his place by any means necessary. Looking at her hurt.

a/n next chapter will be up in a few hours.

I know they're a lot shorter than before, but it motivates me to just hit publish once I've hit writer's block so I can start a new chapter.

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