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Elijah's POV

The next week passed without any more... run-ins with Carter.

The weather had been mild during the day and chilly at night. The days started to blend together into one.

Eli felt like he was living an endless routine - waking up, going to class, studying, hanging out with Porter and May, then sleeping and repeating.

He felt like he was waiting for ... something. He just didn't know what.

He was currently at another one of Porter's gigs. He was sipping on an ice-cold drink, surveying the crowd as he listened to Porter's songs which he had heard hundreds of times.

Della had a midterm the next day so she couldn't come. This meant Eli was on his own. As he liked.

He heard the other chair at his table squeak back, glancing over to see a girl with really long blonde hair flopping down next to him. She was dressed in a short dress, which was weird considering how cold it was.

Eli noticed how she had a lot of bangles on her pale arm, which made a lot of sound as she sat. She fixed her hazel eyes on his light grey ones, clearing her throat and speaking. "I'm Karen." In a soft voice.

He nodded at her, turning back to suck on his straw.

They both sat there watching Porter's band.

"Can I ask you something?" Karen said, after a few minutes.

"No." He let out.

"You're rude," Karen commented, her face scrunched in interest. "It's kind of hot."

Eli looked at her incredulously.

She slid a piece of paper towards him. "Here's my number." She finally got up and left him alone. Eli shoved the piece of paper in his jacket pocket, planning on throwing it out later. He wasn't going to leave it for the wait staff to clean. His mom raised him right.

When Porter was almost done, Eli got up to leave. He spotted Karen from before sitting with a group of girls, eyeing him.

He walked past her straight to the parking lot, getting in his car and driving home.


Eli was asleep when a hard knocking sound invaded his thoughts. He ignored it.

Then he heard someone barge into his room. He groaned, opening his eyes to see Della smiling down at him.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead." She beamed.

"I hate you." He glared at her, tossing his pillow at her. She caught it, effortlessly, throwing it back to him.

"My exam was great, thanks for asking." She informed him. "We're having a party to celebrate."

"Who the fuck is 'we'?" He knew the answer before she said it;

"You, Porter, and I!" Fuck. Since Porter and Della loved partying, they always had celebrations after exams. Since there were no large gatherings allowed in her dorms, they were at the apartment.

"He already texted everyone on his phone. And you know that means basically everyone." She waved her dark arm in front of his face. "Now get up. It's 5 pm, people will probably come at 9, so we have plenty of time to go buy alcohol. Bring your fake, I forgot mine."

Their upstairs neighbors were two girls (very pretty ones who Porter constantly flirted with. Eli had never met them, he had just heard of them). They were college students too so they didn't care for the noise.

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