Gracie Gets Sick

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Gracies POV (6 Years Old)

I woke up with a really bad tummy ache and feeling really warm and sticky. I could tell by the lack of natural light in my room that it was the middle of the night, but the feeling in my stomach was making it impossible to go to sleep. I got out of my bed with my stuffed rabbit in hand and quietly tiptoed out of my bedroom and over to Wills. I opened his bedroom door and saw that he was very much still asleep. I hope he won't be angry if I wake him!

"Will" I whispered, but I got no response, "Will" I said a little louder as I shook his shoulder causing him to stir and his eyes to flick open,

"Gracie?" He asked groggily "what's wrong sweetie?" Will asked as he sat up and turned his bedside lamp on to see my tear streaked face,

"I don't feel very well" I cried quietly "my tummy hurts and I feel sick" I said as my brother sat on the edge of his bed,

"Come here" he gently instructed and I did as I was told, allowing Will to wrap one arm around my waist and place the other on my forehead, "you've definitely got a fever" he commented with a frown "do you think you're gonna be sick?" He asked and I shook my head,

"I don't think so" I said "I just feel really sick in my tummy" I tried to explain as a new batch of tears rolled down my cheeks. He nodded as he silently picked me up and carried me to the bathroom where he flicked the light on and placed me down on the counter next to the sink before opening the cabinet to search for something.

"What's going on?" A sleepy looking Jay said from the doorway,

"I don't feel very well" I cried,

"Open" Will instructed as he held a thermometer in front of my mouth and placing it under my tongue before taking it out a minute later, "103" he informed causing both him and Jay to frown as a yawn escaped my mouth, "You wanna sleep with me tonight?" Will asked and I nodded, "ok, I'm gonna get Gracie comfy can you sort some Tylenol for her?" He asked Jay as he picked me back up noticing that I was drifting back to sleep.

"On it" Jay replied as Will carried me back to his bedroom where he put me down on his bed and covered me with his duvet.

"Here we go" Jay announced as he walked in to the room with a spoon and the yucky medicine in hand, "open up" he urged but I shook my head keeping my mouth firmly closed,

"Come on sweetheart" Will encouraged "you need to take it so it can help you feel better" he finished,

"You can have some water after and you won't even taste it" Jay added. I huffed as I begrudgingly opened my mouth, allowing Jay to put the horrible liquid in it. My face crumpled up in disgust as the flavour covered my tongue and throat,

"Good girl" Will praised as Jay handed me a cup of water,

"Wasn't so bad was it?" He asked as I nodded,

"It was worse" I informed grumpily causing my brothers to smirk at my dramatic reaction,

"Right" Jay announced "I'm going back to bed, try and get some sleep" he said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead "shout if you need me" he said to Will before he left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Lie down and try and get comfy" Will suggested as he climbed in bed next to me, allowing me to snuggle in beside him and drift off to sleep.

Wills POV

The night seemed to drag on forever with Gracie waking up every couple of hours feeling sick, and when she was asleep she was tossing and turning as she was sweating from her fever. She had eventually settled down around 5:30am when I tied her hair away from her neck and face and dabbed her forehead with a cool cloth. Even though he was in his own room, I could tell that Jay had also had a crappy night when he appeared in the kitchen ready for work, but looking ready for bed. He had popped his head in a couple of times throughout the night to check on Gracie but soon disappeared when I told him I could handle it. He had work today and there was no use in two of us staying awake. It was now 7am and I sat at the kitchen island staring at my cup of coffee, hoping that it would give me some energy that my lack of sleep had taken. Gracie was still sound asleep. Typical. Oh well, I'm not gonna wake her up unless I have to. May as well let her get some rest, maybe it will help with whatever bug she has obviously contracted.

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