Do You Love Me?

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Gracies POV (12 Years Old)

I let out a weary sigh as I unlocked the front door and walked in to the apartment, leaving my backpack by the front door before walking in to the kitchen,

"Hey" Will greeted from his place at the kitchen table where he was sat typing away at his computer,

"Hey" I mumbled in reply as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge,

"Everything ok?" He asked with a slight frown as he turned his full attention on to me,

"Fine" I replied sharply before turning to go to my room,

"Gracie" Will called me back "talk to me" he insisted and I groaned,

"Why?" I rolled my eyes. Yeesh. All I wanna do is go to my room!

"What's the matter?" He repeated "and don't say you're fine because I can read you like a book" he added,

"I'm just tired" I lied "can I please just go to my room?" I pleaded with tears in my eyes. My brothers frown deepened as he looked at me in concern,

"C'mere" he sighed as he wrapped his arms protectively around me causing the tears to start flowing. I let all of the days pent up emotions out as I sobbed in to my confused brothers chest. "Talk to me sweetheart" he urged as he wiped away my tears with his thumb "who's upset you?" He asked protectively. Part of me wanted to tell him everything. But the other part of me thought if I told him it may turn out to be true.

"It's nothing" I insisted and he scoffed slightly,

"Sweetie, it's obviously not nothing" he replied and I looked down nervously,

"Can I go to my room now please?" I asked hopefully and he looked at me with concern lacing his face,

"Yeah, if you want to" he allowed and I quickly took my leave and disappeared to my bedroom.

I stayed in my bedroom for the next couple of hours with Will checking in every so often. I tried to block out the memories of the day by watching Netflix. Nobody loves you. Your brothers don't love you. They just feel sorry for you. They should've just put you in care. That stung the most. It's not true though, right? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a light knock on my door and Jays head appeared from around the corner,

"Hey kiddo" he said with a smile that I did my best to return "what're you watching?" He asked as he flopped down next to me and put his arms around my shoulder,

"It's just the umbrella academy" I shrugged as I rested my head on his chest and he kissed the top of my head fondly,

"Did you have a good day?" He asked casually and I sighed,

"I know Will already told you" I replied and he sighed,

"What's up?" He asked and I remained silent "c'mon" he urged "if you don't tell us then how can we help?" He asked and I sighed,

"It's nothing" I insisted once again "I'm just being stupid" I added as I closed my laptop up and climbed off my bed once I heard Will call us for dinner. Jay followed shortly behind me and he shared a look with Will who sighed lightly with a shake of his head.

We ate our dinner in a comfortable silence leaving me a lot of time to think. Maybe I should just ask them. But what if it turns out to be true? What if I am nothing but an inconvenience?

Once we had finished eating I quickly excused myself and went to have a long hot shower and wash my hair. Once I had finished and spent another thirty minutes arguing with myself in my own head, I decided to talk to my brothers about what those girls had said to me. I got changed in to my pyjamas before towel drying my hair and braiding it in to two dutch braids. I was fed up of always having to rely on Will and Jay to do my hair only to have them do the same hairstyles everyday so I had watched a load of YouTube videos and taught myself how to braid.

With a nervous sigh I climbed off my bed and slowly walked in to the living room where Will and Jay where both sat watching a football game,

"Hey...can I ask you guys something?" I asked apprehensively and both my brothers looked over at me,

"Of course you can kiddo" Jay smiled encouragingly as Will grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. Will moved over slightly so I could sit down in between them,

"Do you ever wish I wasn't here?" I blurted out before nervously playing with my fingers. There was a short silence as they both processed my question before anyone spoke,

"No, of course we don't Gracie" Will said in shock,

"What would make you think that?" Jay asked with a frown,

"Just something some kids said at school" I shrugged "I mean, they're probably right" I added "I am just a nuisance" I finished as tears began to escape my eyes,

"Hey" Jay scolded lightly "don't talk like that Gracie" he said with a frown "you are far from a nuisance" he added as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in to his side "is this why you where upset?" He asked and I nodded,

"But your lives would be so different if it wasn't for me" I said tearfully "I'm not stupid" I added and Jay planted a kiss on the side of my head,

"Our lives would've been different" Will agreed and my heart sank to my stomach "but that doesn't mean they would've been better" he added and I looked up at him.

"Hell, both of our lives where messes before you where born" Jay added "I argued with dad all the time and Will hardly ever spoke to any of us once he was in New York" he continued causing Will to look slightly guilty. "But when mom and dad died we realised that we needed to step up and do what was best for you" he explained and Will nodded in agreement,

"If anything you made our lives better Gracie" Will added and I looked up surprised,

"Really?" I asked not entirely convinced,

"Absolutely" Jay agreed "before you came along we only ever saw each other on holidays, and even then that wasn't guaranteed" he said,

"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have moved back to Chicago and I would probably still be living in New York doing a job I hated" Will added.

"But you guys didn't have to look after me" I said with a thoughtful frown "why didn't you just puttee in care?" I asked seriously,

"Because you're our baby sister and we love you" Jay answered "you're our responsibility" he added,

"We're always gonna love you, no matter how many times you annoy us or wake us up in the middle of the night, that's never gonna change" Will assured,

"And yes, you may think we're unfair or hard on you sometimes, but that's only because we care about you and we want what's best for you" Jay added.

"Do you ever regret it?" I asked curiously,

"Never" Jay replied,

"Not even once" Will said with a shakoes his head,

"What about if you get fed up of me and send me in to care then?" I asked and Jay scoffed,

"Do you really think you're gonna get rid of us that easy?" He asked jokingly,

"What Jay is trying to say is that is never gonna happen" Will assured,

"Right" Jay confirmed "you're stuck with us for life I'm afraid" he added as he ruffled my hair making me wrinkle my nose in displeasure.

"So no more silly talk like that" Will insisted as he poked my nose playfully,

"Or we may have to call in the tickle monster to deal with you" Jay said as eh tickled my sides making me giggle and wriggle away from him and towards Will,

"C'mere" Will urged as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the side of my head "love you" he mumbled in to my hair,

"I love you to" I replied before going over and hugging Jay,

"What're we gonna do with you" he joked as he planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek which I immediately wiped off with my sleeve "rude, wiping my love away" he said in mock offence causing Will to shake his head at our brothers childish behaviour. We ended up watching a movie together and I even managed to convince Will to let me have some ice cream! Eventually, once the movie had finished, my brothers where fairy insistent that it was time for bed so I begrudgingly slipped off to my room and climbed in to my soft cozy bed. 

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