Hailey Puts Her Foot Down

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AN! I got really inspired by the comment  lilyliv123 left on my last post, so here you go!

Gracies POV (5 Years Old)

"Hey Gracie" Hailey called over from where she was sat "ten minutes then we've gotta go ok?" She asked and I nodded before running off to continue playing with my friends.

It was my friend Jennies birthday party and it was at the jungle gym! Will had to work and Jay was busy doing some kind of paperwork at home, so Hailey offered to take me so I wouldn't be missing out.

"Gracie" Hailey called and I ran over to her "go say goodbye to your friends and say remember to say thank you to her mom for inviting you" she said making me groan,

"I don't wanna go home yet" I complained,

"I know hunny but I've got some work to do before tomorrow so we've gotta get going" she explained,

"That's not fair" I whined "just five more minutes?" I asked with he best puppy eyes I could muster,

"Sorry Gracie it's time to go" she denied,

"No, I'm not ready to go home" I defied "I wanna stay" I said definitely before turning back around and running back towards the jungle gym where all of my friends where still playing,

"Gracie I said no" Hailey said firmly as I ignored her instruction and ran off inside and climbed up to the net and sat down where she could still see me but not reach me and stuck my tongue out in her direction.

"Gracelyn Halstead" she warned "I said it's time to leave and I mean it" she said "do you want me to come up there?" She treated and I looked at her like she was mad,

"You can't come in here it's only for kids" I said matter of factly,

"Well I've got my badge on me and that means that I'm allowed to come in there if I really need to" she replied and my eyes widened,

"Really?" I asked sceptically,

"Yeah" she said seriously "so are you gonna come down here or am I gonna have come up?" She asked,

"Noooo" I cried "I just want five more minutes" I exclaimed "pleaseeee" I pleaded,

"No Gracie" she repeated sternly "now come down here" she instructed but I shook my head silently before climbing higher up in the jungle gym "Gracelyn" she warned "last chance" she added as I ignored her and moved further inside,

"Nope" I shouted as I ducked down out of sight. Well this wasn't much fun. I want to stay but it's no fun if I have to stay out of sight of Hailey the whole time!

"Right Gracelyn" Hailey snapped "I know you can hear me. You have five seconds to start moving out of there before I call Jay and tell him how bad you're behaving" she threatened making my heart drop. I popped my head up above the ball I was hiding behind and gave her a pleading expression,

"Nooo" i whined "that's not fair" I exclaimed,

"One" she began,

"Hailey" I winged,

"Two" she continued,

"Stop" I pleaded tearfully,

"Three" she said as she kept her voice firm and crossed her arms over her chest,

"FINE!" I screamed as I stood up and began to stomp my way down the jungle gym and eventually over to a less than impressed looking Hailey,

"I shouldn't have had to threaten you to get you back down here" she lectured as I sat down and pulled on my shoes,

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