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AN! Hey everyone! This one's a little different! It's just a bunch of short bits from different ages I Gracies life! 

Gracies POV (11 Years Old)

"Jay" I whispered as I walked over to my brother who was sat at his desk "can we go home please?" I asked tearfully making my brother frown as he put an arm around my shoulder,

"What's the matter?" He asked seriously,

"I don't know" I admitted as a few tears escaped from my eyes before hiding my face in his shoulder,

"Do you feel sick?" He questioned but I shook my head,

"Can we just go home please?" I repeated my earlier question,

"Ok" he agreed "just give me two minutes and we'll go ok?" He asked and I nodded silently before sitting down on his now vacated chair.

Jay disappeared and two minutes later he reappeared with his keys in hand,

"C'mon then" he said as he ushered me off of the the chair and out of the building "are you hungry?" He asked and I shrugged silently making him sigh "we could get McDonalds" he suggested, knowing that it's my favourite,

"I just wanna go home" I replied with a light sob making my brothers frown deepen.

He didn't bring the subject up anymore and simply drove us both home,

"Hey, your both back early" Will commented when he saw us both enter the apartment. I didn't say anything to either of my brothers as I made my way straight to my bedroom and threw myself on to my bed. "Gracie" Will asked gently as I felt him crouch down next to the bed and brush my hair away from my face "what's the matter?" He asked,

"I don't know" I sobbed as Will moved me so I was sat up and sat down next to me on the bed before pulling me in to his chest,

"What do you mean you don't know?" Jay asked softly as he sat down at the other end of the bed,

"I don't know why I'm crying" I tried to explain "but I can't stop" I added as Will rubbed my arm soothingly,

"Shhhh" he soothed "it's ok Gracie" he assured,

"Are you sure something hasn't happened at school?" Jay asked but I shook my head causing both of my brothers to share a look,

"Alright" he sighed "I'm gonna go get you some water" he added before leaving the room,

"Why am I feeling like this?" I asked through my sobs,

"Because you're growing up Graciekins" Will told me,

"I don't like it if it's like this" I stated as Jay walked back in and handed me a glass of water.

"It's not always like this baby" Jay said,

"Do you remember when me and you had that talk had a little while back?" Will asked and I nodded "well my guess would be that that's the reason you're feeling like this right now" he explained,

"But I don't know why I keep crying" I said,

"Sometimes that's just how it goes" Jay said,

"For boys as well?" I asked,

"Well, it's not exactly the same for boys" Will said,

"They I wanna be a boy" I said determinedly,

"How about I go and give Hailey a call and see if she's free to come round tomorrow?" Jay suggested,

"That's a good idea" Will agreed "do you think that might make you feel a bit better?" He asked and I nodded,

"Maybe a little bit" I said with a sniffle as Will reached forward and wiped some of my tears away with his thumb and Jay left to call Hailey,

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